Experience with the GPS logger Holux M-241. Working from under Windows, Mac OS X, Linux

Inspired by the recent article on the GPS logger.
I would like to tell you about GPS logger (GPS Receiver / Data Logger) Holux M-241, its features, capabilities and usability. May be someone this review will seem useful in the selection of such devices.
The logger I needed to create tracks velopokatushki, forest walks skiing and snapping photos to coordinates. Bought this device at Dealextreme back in 2011 for about the same price for which he sold there now, something around 70$. There are of course the device is newer and cheaper, but for some features they lose this logger.

(Photos of the device borrowed from Dealextreme)


When choosing a logger, watching the small avaricious reviews of devices and spent a lot of time to form a view about the necessary for me features.
In the end, I came to the following requirements:
1. Power supply — always removable, preferably standard batteries AA or AAA. After all, if you have to foray outside of civilization for >4 days, will get nowhere, and get a dozen batteries special form factor is not optimal. It is easier to take a stock of standard batteries and you can buy them in almost any remote village. Yes, and the proprietary form factor of the batteries is alarming, today's analogues are produced, and in a year or two — try are buy.
2. Navigation is not required.
3. Desirable Bluetooth. To make it easier to connect to your laptop, for example when riding in the car with the included location tracking in the relevant programs(Oziexplorer, SAS.Planet, etc.).
4. The ability to save the point location (POI).
5. And if there is a screen to view the current coordinates, altitude, speed will be good...

So the choice fell on the Holux M-241.

Will begin with General characteristics.
1. Double Bluetooth interface + USB cable (For those who do not need Bluetooth and you need more time battery life, in settings there is the ability to disable it).
2. Powered by a single AA-size batteries. (In the official documentation States that you cannot use rechargeable batteries, only alkaline. But personally I use batteries, and no problems experience. Of course, maybe when using batteries there is less sensitivity or battery life, but I have enough sensitivity. And autonomy, on my rechargeable batteries (2500mAh) operates 8-10 hours on a fresh battery was pulling 12-14 hours.)
3. LCD backlit display shows information about the location, speed, date, time.
4. The space for up to 130,000 positions, including longitude, latitude, time and altitude. (Firmware v1.13 added the parameter "speed", so the volume of the journal was reduced to about 100,000 items).
5. Personal settings, including the possibility of registering in time (1,5,10,15,30,60,120 sec), or distance (50,100,150,300,500,1000 meters). Is possible to switch the miles/kilometers).

A device constructed on the chip MTK(MediaTek)(Yes... Yes... quite old!).
Antenna built in.
32 parallel channels.
Sensitivity up to -159dBm.
Fully compatible with Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP).
LCD display (32ммХ8,9mm/128Х32пикс)
Protocol support NMEA0183 V of 3.01.
Compact and lightweight. Sizes 32,1ммХ30ммХ74,5mm. Weight(without battery) <39g.
Operating temperature 0-50град. Storage temperature-10-+60град. (In winter, internal chest pocket with success used them on ski trips in the woods in -25, battery, enough for 5-6 hours).
The accuracy of the speed measurement 0.1 M/sec.
Horizontal deviation 95% time < 2.2 M Vertical deviation 95% time < 5M.

The kit includes the software CD (also available on the website of the manufacturer www.holux.com ): drivers under Windows 98/2K/XP/Vista/7, Linux, Mac. Firmware v1.12(without the parameter "speed" over 130,000 items) and v1.13, instructions for use, the Holux logger utility Utility (Windows only) to configure, load the results into the computer, convert formats tracks record gps data in the Exif of the photos. There is also a program of Holux ezTour for Logger (Windows only) to work with the tracks. The ability of these programs will be discussed below.

A rough estimate of the amount of memory. (rounded down)
the the the the the the the the
measurement Interval, sec track Length (time) v1.12(v1.13)
1 36часов (27часов)
5 180часов=7,5 day(138часов=5,7 day)
10 15сут(11,5 days)
15 22,5 days(17.3 per day)
30 45сут(34.7 per day)
60 90сут(69сут)
120 180сут(138сут)

To me this amount is enough.

To work with the logger manufacturer provides a program of HOLUX ezTour for Logger (unfortunately for Windows only).

The settings window where you can choose the units in which the time difference between track points making them private, etc.

Configuring the GPS logger with the device via the display and buttons (which is a nice plus) and via the program menu.
You can set recording intervals of time (1,5,10,15,30,60,120 sec) or distance (50,100,150,300,500,1000 meters). There is still the possibility of including overwriting oldest data when suddenly out of memory.

When uploading tracks, they are broken into separate parts instead of one track, which is very convenient.

You can load only part of the necessary tracks.

The tracks provides information on distance, total time, time of traffic stops, speed, and maximum climb and descent. And all this is drawn on the charts.

A primitive track editor where you can drag points, remove them, disconnect the tracks to pieces.

To export your tracks in the following formats: GPX File(*.gpx), NMEA0183 File (*.nmea), KML File (*.kml), Excel File (*.csv).

When exporting to GPX format is the ability to save in a simplified form (for example, to load in the web).

It is also possible to export to KMZ or Html.

For Amateurs is a function of Geotekhnologiya photos. For this you need to specify a folder with JPEG photos.

The photos are distributed on the track and you will see reference to the map and graphics, and add a comment.

If desired, you can from the program interface to load these photos on Flickr, Locr or Facebook.

This email to the coordinate registers the information in the Exif. This must be done separately. So. After these steps, the exif file will show coordinates.

You can amend the time.

The result of the coordinate reference.

It seems that it is possible to make reference videos, but I have not tried it and do not tell that there is obtained.

Map tracks and photos attached looks like.

As I mentioned, this data logger allows you to manually save the POI. When uploading the tracks they appear so. They can snap a photo and add a description.br>

From the program can save screenshots of the maps with the tracks. Here's how it looks.

Try the HTML export.

In the end, it turns out. Interactive map with tracks, photos and slideshows. Looks and works a bit clumsy, but it is what it is.

Program, I think, quite successful and convenient. There are all the necessary functions.
For those of you who seems to be overly functional, included is a very simple utility — Holux Logger Utility.

You can also configure the settings of the logger.

The uploaded tracks. Each is saved in two files *.trl *.kml. POI is stored separately from the tracks.

Then these .trl files can be converted to text(.txt), Google Earth(*.kml), NMEA(*.txt), GPX(*.gpx) and enter the time zone.

The resulting tracks and POI can be viewed in any relevant programmes. I will not give examples of how the tracks look in them. And here is the file with the POIs opened in Google Earth.

For snapping photos to the coordinates specify a folder with JPEG images if necessary, enter the temporary amendment.

That's all the functionality of native software for the logger.

For those working on Mac OS, don't worry there's no native software. There are many similar programs, free including.
When connecting a data logger Holux M-241 to Mac OS 10.8.4 (Mac mini) via USB I was faced with the fact that he was not determined. Tried to put the USB Cable Driver(Mac) from the manufacturer's website (CP210x Macintosh OSX Driver v2.1). But it didn't help. Here you can take a more fresh driver mytracks.zendesk.com/entries/20656011-drivers (CP210x Macintosh OSX VCP Driver v3.1). Direct link www.mytracks4mac.info/download/SiLabsUSBDriverDisk31.dmg. Only after that I earned via USB. Here he writes in the system log when the device is connected.

In General, you can connect via Bluetooth. Works great.
For easy unloading tracks can be used free of charge and free utility GPSBabel (http://www.gpsbabel.org). There are packages for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux. Possible to run with a GUI or via console. To run the console version use the options in the screenshot. The program supports a broad set of devices and formats. Can also convert images from one format to another.

What I find uncomfortable is the fact that the whole set of tracks from the device is discharged in one file. To separate them, for example by days, you need to take additional action. And, in the case of logger Holux M-241, do not know how to upload a POI. If the downloaded track to throw up Google Earth, you get something like this.

To further anchor the coordinates to photos, you can find several programs, both free and commercial.

Of commercial software under Mac OS X I liked the program myTracks (www.mytracks4mac.info). Which also allows you to upload tracks, edit, snap photos and much more. There are a lot of videos that it allows you to do.
Try to upload a track and to throw photos.

Then save information about the coordinates in the Exif.

The result looks like exif.

!!! This program is a good plus. She is able to register information not only in JPEG files, but RAW!!!

For example, I ordered the GPS information in the Exif file in RAW format, and opened it using a Raw Converter Canon DPP. And Raw Converter information this saw perfectly.

Tracks with attached photo look like this. Tracks can be divided into parts, duplicate, create folders in a hierarchical structure. And a lot more.

In General, the program is great and worth the money (in the Mac App Store 14,99$).

For fans of GNU Linux, I can tell, with Holux M-241 will not be a problem. I have Linux Debian (Testing, Jessie), the logger decided immediately without driver installation.

To upload tracks you can also use GPSBabel from the official repository packages. To bind coordinate to a photo you can use GpicSync. There is a version for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux. (Binary package for Mac OS X I wouldn't start, although it put all its dependencies are Python, wxPython. My library is quite different ways. Creating symlinks of the errors eliminated, but still something is not working. Especially yet did not understand, was postponed until better times. Someone managed to do it?) On the website the author has prepared a deb package for ubuntu, and for debian-and will fit. All perfectly worked.

As you can see, with whatever OS you're working on, the gps-logger Holux M-241 will not cause any problems. There are many programs to upload tracks and anchor coordinates to photos under any OS. And everyone will be able to choose the correct.

It was for fans to record their tracks and bind the coordinates to the photos.
For athletes, this logger will also be useful, you can record tracks of your workouts and with the help of appropriate sites to analyze and collect statistics. For example, I bring tracks of velopokatushki and what you can do with them.

And some more photos.
General view of the work.

Current coordinates.

The icon at the bottom left indicates the preservation of the POI.

Speed and height.

Item settings and firmware version.

As a result, I want to list the advantages and disadvantages of a gps logger Holux M-241.
1. Double Bluetooth interface + USB cable.
2. The ability to save the point location (POI).
3. The presence of the screen to display (with backlight).
4. The ability to change settings without a computer, from the device menu.
5. The ability to enable overwriting of old data, if suddenly ran out of memory.
6. Power supply — AA (to some this may seem a disadvantage).
7. Quite functional and convenient "native".

1. No moisture protection (that I already pick...).
2. Not very well made the notification about the end of battery life.(Sound warning no and discharge indicator begins to blink in approximately 60-90 minutes before turning off.)

PS somewhere on the Internet heard complaints that when worn the logger in your pocket, you can accidentally press buttons and enabled/disabled entry, spontaneously change settings. Well, gentlemen, read the manual. Have the same lock screen. Activated by simultaneously pressing two buttons.
Bottom left icon for screen lock.

By the way, a question to know what else to write gps information to exif in the photos supports RAW format? (Assuming that Aperture for Mac is able, but not sure.)
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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