Abrahante 3.0

Dear Gabriele!
Today is a special day for Habra — the birthday of a fundamentally new intellectual "Abrahante 3.0".

what is its fundamental innovation?

You don't have to subscribe to blogs/tags/authors, and so on. For all you do UFO :) It was closely following your actions (voting, adding to favorites etc.) and makes a list of personal recommendations. In fact, the term "personal recommendations" here is not quite correct. It is rather "personal filter". Its primary function is not to offer only the most interesting, and to weed out what you are likely to be interested. We can draw an analogy with the postal filter, which hides the spam, but not offering the "most interesting letter". On the other hand, this analogy is not quite correct: the posts in Charlene are ranked according to presumed relevance.

Why is my Abrahante empty?

most Likely you have too little vote, did not add posts to favorites, and generally not too active on habré.

Why is my Abrahante some garbage?

There are three possible causes:

    You voted, but not many the

  1. You are too often voted "just", such as someone like, "Hey, plusany the topic!"
  2. the
  3. You vote special. For example, never a minus or a plus.

is it possible to improve the quality of the recommendations?

Yes. To do this, for example, more and more honest vote. And, you can press the button "not recommend" in those positions in Charlene that you are not interested.

what about RSS?

is RSS, but the feed is a little different from the usual results. It works on the principle of "less is better". There is no limit on the number of posts, but there is a hard limit on the relevancy.

What will happen if I read all the posts from Karaleti?

After you refresh the page means the browser you can see the other posts. And you can not see. It all depends on you personally and on UFOs, of course.

What are the settings available to me in new Charlene?

While setting only one appearance for the issuance of the topics. A choice of three options are available: headers only, headers with brief information about the topic and "classic". Of course, over time, the number of settings will vary both upwards and downwards.

what if I don't like the new Abrahante?

you Can score on new and used old Abrahante, which is available at http://habrahabr.ru/lenta/. If you do not like both, then... hell, I think we can't answer that.

Will develop Abrahante 3.0?

Necessary. We will not only improve the algorithms, but also to add functionality. In accordance with intergalactic rules Abrahante each update will be reflected on its version number. Eventually we plan to make Abrahante smarter Anatoly Wasserman, stronger than Chuck Norris and, of course, faster, Vladimir shakhidjanyan. This version will be wearing the number 3.14.

What further improvements are planned?

  • Accounting interest carpolithes specified in the profile
  • the
  • Easy navigation-filtering category (tags, blogs, and authors)
  • the
  • Auto uploading new topics Ajax after hiding
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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