
Want your article on Habre was cuter? Then this offer is for you!
Quite often on Habre published posts containing the author's reflections, but not of abstraction or of nenagljadnaja themes post author rarely gets to choose the illustration. So I decided to help these authors and to offer my services in illustration. And, of course, I'll do it for free, but not so easily!

What does one need to be illustrated?
  • Done is an interesting article
  • the
  • Karma above 20 and at least 2 post on the main page (this is done in order to illustrate not lost in odabranih)
  • the
  • something in return, such as the publication notes in his blog about me, well not about me but about my illustrations for example, or if you publish a post and even in his blog, the link to my page (rumkin.ru is now down, thanks to the company qiwi for what tech support did not even bother to answer when will come the money to my Yandex.Wallet)
  • the
  • And as it is banal desire to get a illustration


Why am I doing this

First, to obtain practical skills in quick drawing and inventing. That's why I'm doing this for free, so the result can be ambiguous ;) second to Habr just got better! And, thirdly, because I love to make beautiful love your job and want to make the world a little brighter! And then to brag and say, "I made It!" ;)


Keep in mind that the experience I have microscopic: mostly I paint sites and icons and the fact that in addition to Habra I still have a job, so I'll agree right away that the illustration can be prepared about two days (that I drew in 20 minutes, i.e. the main thing that I was free).
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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