Aggregator of social networks

Long, not done what you wanted, but you need to run.

UniAva: aggregator social. networking, with the ability to connect an unlimited number of accounts within the same network. The original idea included the words "united" and "avatar", hence the name.
Domains: EN/com.

3.Posting multiple social networking accounts.

Connected network:

connectivity Technology accounts: oAuth 2.0, without alienating the password (many times it was said — I repeat: the account password is entered on a native site of the, then the application is allowed certain actions (reading, commenting, and posting) with the permission of the user).

IMPORTANT update on VK: to allow the current functions uniava, authorization comes as standalone application and password and login entered on the website uniava and proximedia on the site (not oAuth). You know dumb to anyone not campaigning. Login and password are not saved.
The purpose of this type of authorization was to obtain advanced functionality: music, posts.

unique (at least it was at the time the idea 3 years ago): simultaneous connection of several accounts of the same Example: you have 3 twitter account, vkontakte 2 and 1 instagram and facebook, all of them can be read in a single tape. Plus: if closed (at work) for a direct visit, through UniAva it is available.

Key entities of the system: called sets. A set is a collection of accounts of the social.networks. Now the number of sets there is no limit and even removed the restriction on the number of social services.networking in one set. To connect multiple accounts of the same after connection of the first account in uniava, you need to make "exit" from the (in a concurrent window or launch a new browser in incognito mode), otherwise when you try to add the following account, you automatically go into a logged account you just added, which was a first.

Not completed: eat the bugs and obvious flaws, of which the main function does not suffer. Below are details for possible errors (probably not all, as there will be new for us). Be terpeliva, sometimes, at the start of the tape and sets the tape is loaded up to 5-7 seconds, then uploading the news does not slow down. Unfortunately, there are no mobile clients.


01. Home page.


Registration is by invitation. To get invitations you need in the text box (above the orange "Send" button) to enter the e-mail and click "Send". Further, your invitation will be reviewed and upon confirmation, you will receive beautiful post and a simple letter with an activation code.

02. On the main page click "I Have a code" and fill the form data and the green button (slider) pull to the right (Yes, we started when the slider on the iPhone was very fashionable).


After dragging a slider button turns sign in, which is dragging down. Further, this form is closed, you have successfully registered and redirect go to the members area where you click on the link "go to settings".

03. Further, the logic of this. Connect account what you want and how you want (see above "key system entities") on the tab "Accounts".


Steps: 1, 2.

04. Next on the "groups" tab from the connected accounts already just form the sets are called as needed.

05. Click on the "uniava" (not the button "back") and proceed to reading the tape (in our example, the user already filled sets).


Only three sets: 1) All (two Twitter, vkontakte, Facebook, instagram) and 2) Facebook only, and 3) Twitters (2 twitter account). The viewing is open to All.

06. Example receipt of new messages (depending on the tab from the top ribbon — 4 new messages).


07. After clicking on the link "4 new messages", the tape scroll and remains in the label in tape (after using during the day, flipping through the tape to see what portions of it were downloaded).


Now consider the example feeds.

08. Retweet made


09. Retweet made in response to his original tweet.


10. An example of the post vkontakte with music.


11. Example repost vkontakte.


12. The post instagram.

There are things that are not very well displayed, but we're quietly working on it. Summary conclusion: for those who consume content — working and convenient tool.

Post made at the request of RealFunTom, which you need to ask all the questions.
Article based on information from


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