Angry Citizen

It would be nice to turn the phone into a magic wand, endowed with infinite power. Every self-respecting Corporation is now doing projects for augmented reality – but nokia city lens and Google glass in fact, only derive hints to the objects.

What if we can change their environment in one click on your smartphone? So summer was born our project, “Angry Citizen” – see the utilities problem, take a picture of her on the phone and..., it automatically corrects itself within the statutory period.

When we started the project this summer, it sounded suspiciously just:

  1. User takes a picture and adds a description.
  2. the
  3. the Program on the smartphone identifies its address and sends data to the server
  4. the
  5. the Server description identifies the type of problem and geotagging finds the responsible organization.
  6. the
  7. Using the user data from the user name sent to the application.
  8. the
  9. If the problem is not solved, there is additional pressure – through social networks, media, volunteering, crowdfunding, and even lawyers.
  10. the
  11. User receives a notification that the problem is solved.

In practice it turned out that to automate the whole process much more difficult. The simplest way to make generator applications as a fine roszhkh, for example. But IMHO this is not enough. Yes, of course, by law, all violations must be corrected within the 30-day period, but that each violation photograph, describe, send the complaint and, in General, work is the management company. It's a shame, if it takes all the energy and enthusiasm of the user.

So we decided to make the complaint a pretext for activity – you need to change the situation to such an extent that would utilities have realized that they would be better by not screwing up, otherwise the consequences will be much further a single complaint. And from utilities, you can go to other urban issues, such as late buses or planting trees in the yard.

To this end, the service provides services like collecting signatures or crowdfunding – while they are poorly automated and for the most part only tell the user the opportunity to organize neighbors, but in the future it will all work itself up to create a group Vkontakte and inviting all living nearby users.

Over the past half a year we never got out of beta test, but it looks like the project has already earned and lives his life – on the website more than 1000 problems, half of them in the solution process. Problems very different from the dumps in the yards and the pits on the roads to provision of poor quality health services and bureaucracy of officials. And only last week we were joined by 220 people, including 34 lawyers.

In November we finished the possibility to register via Odnoklassniki and Twitter. And finally make the notification issues via SMS.

The project was supported by two giant Runet: the Agency of citizen journalism "Ridus" and the Magazine "Big city". Now they have special sections, where each week will be published the most insane problems with our website.

At the end of November there was a tool to Parliamentary inquiries, where their problems the user can send a request to the deputies, was on the website, with a request to send them a request in case when the problem can not be solved in other ways (e.g. direct calls to the relevant agencies). On the website can register any MP. The user helps to make our lawyer.

Tool Problems the center of attention — a lawyer draft picks pressing issues and bring them to the end user, if that fails to solve the problem yourself. Lawyers project and zaregistrirovannykh on the website you can also get advice on the problem through legal Advice.
The site is quite large and complex, although written for conventional technologies in two languages: php, mysql. We have developed a logical chain: algorithms, instances, and tools and gave the solution of the problems on IT-tools – this new.

Algorithms for solving problems now writes a team of website experts, and we plan to involve the community and build a mechanism of training algorithms on the principle of crowdsourcing – this is social engineering.

We are now working in the Moscow region, but plan to gradually expand. But all the algorithms of appeals to the Federal authorities can work to cases from any point of Russia.

Simply put, it is time to withdraw the project from the beta test, and then anywhere without you, dear Habr. Surely each of you has in mind a dirty stairwell, illegal advertising, hole in the road or other problems – not too lazy to spend 10 minutes and pour them on the website – you must have in this process to receive some suggestions on how to improve our project.
Article based on information from


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