“Avtostroenie”: how to get money in Top-100 Google Play and what to do next?
it All began on 19 may 2011, when friends birthday gave me a brand new smartphone Google Nexus S. I for a long time I worked as a programmer, then the specifics of my work has changed, but "hands that remember". So I went straight up to something to program for my new cool smartphone, and wrote an app Auto-acceleration. Today I want to share what I learned, knew and did in the two months since the start.
— According to statistics, the most dangerous are the first two hours in the life of a person
— It is believed that the last two hours are not devoid of a certain risk..
The first version of the mobile application, of course, was planned for Android. By this time I already managed to write a couple of applications published on Google Play. And a dozen test — in which tried out some sort of technology. As IDE I chose NetBeans. For two reasons: first, I didn't like Eclipse since my College days, something I have not once worked. Spoon we then, of course, found but the residue remained. Second: I liked NetBeans, I was a little programmed in ROR using this IDE. So long thought. Now I think it's a mistake, but too late to fix.
To the environment no complaints, but the Android SDK it works as something ugly. Maybe I did not understand the details but something like that. In addition, some useful tools are available for Eclipse, and NetBeans does not. Why should only the opportunity to watch the logcat in the IDE!
Sometimes when you update the SDK, all suddenly broke down, and had somewhere something to register, delete, rename... the use of the Eclipse leads to such problems, but I hope it's not.
About six months I was programming alone. Not to say that it took all my free time, but for me this area was unfamiliar, and even simple things done for a long time. Finally, came the moment when I thought to myself: interesting idea, the technical realization is possible. It is time to use a hint "help a friend". So we became two, and the question of version control has received the status of "need right now" instead of "Oh well, so long as sometime."
At work we use SVN, but for the development of the house is not very suitable: need a repository in a public location. And it is a straight road, for example, bitbucket. And I tried that. As the client chose the Tortoise Hg, for use similar product for SVN. And then I made the second mistake. In the created repository, I filled in all of their projects. But it is generally quite uncomfortable: it was necessary to make a separate repository, or whatever it is called, for each project. This understanding has come, as usual, a little later.
The project includes not only a mobile app but also a web site. According to preliminary estimates, the site was planned very simple, and make it just a couple of weeks. Therefore, it was decided to first bring the app to ready to publish and then work on a site. For this, the team was joined the third party.
The website, which can be done in two weeks, we did three months. Because nothing can be done in two weeks.
This ought to do well before the application is ready, because we just lost this time.
Further, there is another my bad. At the stage of prototype development, I set the minimum version of Android 2.3. 2.2 had some troubles using GPS. And then it turned out that we have many users with Android 2.2 and they also want the application.
On July 30, we finally posted the app on Google Play. Was immediately taken various steps to promote the project. First, I wrote a dozen of specialized forums: the project for motorists and our brother likes to sit on thematic resources, especially during working hours. Secondly, I spent a hundred dollars on advertising AdMob. Of course, I was aware that this amount may not produce tangible effects, but was just wondering. For website promotion we have used the Sape service. A little later, the article was written on Habre in the section "I PR" and article on 4pda in the framework of the program "support of Russian software developers".
A little more about each of these actions and the effect produced. Thematic forums were the most effective, most simple and free way to promote. Apparently, the idea was really quite interesting, as people began to read, to write, to ask, ask, anything, to put a good rating on Google Play. I think not mistaken if I say that in total the topics about our project scored more than 100,000 hits. We were very happy when using the Yandex. Metrica found the discussion on the forums where he has never been before. Negative reviews and posts was very little that gives me confidence that we are on the right track. Despite the fact that the app is available for download only in Russian-speaking countries, after a couple of days it fell under the heading "Gaining popularity" on Google Play, and then located in the "Top new free". The growth of the active devices was more than 300 per day. A record number of page views is 10,000 a day. Amid all this, $ 100 in AdMob is lost like a drop in the ocean.
A week later, I wrote an article on 4pda. And created a thread in the forum by posting the apk. The app is free, and I absolutely was not a pity to put it. The article was a useful thing: more than 1,000 users have downloaded the application from 4pda. It's certainly not a lot, but I think much more went on Google Play — after all for free. The discussion was already more constructive and critical: the people point to the existing counterparts, they looked for flaws in the method of the application.
A week later I published an article on habré. It had been high hopes — after all, Habr one of the most popular it resources in Runet, it is constantly read, read, comment, and of course all try to smash, to criticize, to advise, in General, feedback provided. But perhaps the notice was not very interesting, or a car theme, not very close — the rating of articles was not high, commented a little, to break, nothing broke. The effect is not noticed. So, I did something wrong.
SEO campaign for our site are actually quite funny at this stage. It was started as a "pen test". While the specifics of the resource does not imply millions of visits: the number of search queries for the phrase "zero to 100" in Yandex in about 15,000 a month, while the rest stay on the subject — and less. But with tools less understood, it is safe to mold on the walls the ads "promotion of sites cheap."
But all the small failures could not have even a little bit upset: after all, we were in the "Top new free". Per month more than 20,000 people have installed our app. However, downloads of the measurements on the website was much smaller — a few hundred, but this number has grown steadily, and this is important.
With such a beautiful and popular project just had to be on any forum. Finding somewhere in the depths Habra publish a list of special events, I chose some of them and wrote letters, applied. The result was that of the planned in the short term only interested in Web Ready. Moreover, on the Siberian stage of the event no contest there, everyone can take part. So I bought a train ticket, and in early September, went to Novosibirsk. Unfortunately, exactly one month after the publication of the application has dropped from the section "Top new free" — perhaps this is Google's rules are, and the number of installations per day has dropped from 700 to 70, and the number of removals as it was 200-300, and left. The number of active devices began to fall sharply... but the picture, by the way.

It depressed.
The first day of the event was focused on training. The organizers read two lectures and talked to students. I must say, the projects were very small — about a dozen. On the one hand, disappointed me: I thought that this is a very popular contest, and there are only ten projects. On the other hand, competition is less! Although to win, I absolutely did not expect: our project is very young and brings nothing but losses. Anyway, not like a revolution in the world of it. But there is always hope. I must say: the idea of going on the Web Ready Siberia was superprofile. I understood it already the first day. First, I liked the performances of the lecturers: the guys talked sensibly, interestingly, convincingly. And even if nothing new was said — all I have somewhere read or heard, anyway: I liked it.
Still it was interesting to chat with the guys who brought their projects. The fact that doubt is always there. And in my case the main question the main question "and not do I nonsense?". Anyone especially do not need, and even funny. Whether it is necessary to tell about it, respected people? And even 20 000 downloads could me until the end to convince her otherwise. And looking at the projects the other guys, I realized that they are the same as mine — as a rule, it is also questionable nonsense. Won the project is quite serious. But it is other weight category: group of 10 people engaged in them for several years, with the financing, the customer — and we just published some garbage on Google Play. In short, I happily realized that my stuff are not alone, and will not stand extreme senselessness.
And it turned out that about my project, people have heard and the contestants and even the organizers showed interest, learned: "Oh, it's you Cars Acceleration? Let's get started!". And this was important: I was convinced that my venture has a prospect.
On the second day was the competition itself and another excellent lecture, which was read by Alexander Lyskovsky (one of the founders of the company Alawar).
Most importantly, the performance of participants. The jury was of the order of seven experts, and each project was given 7 minutes to speak. I do not act much like the round table format is closer to me. But competition is competition. After the speeches were arranged in a "carousel" with the members of the jury: the project came to them and spoke individually with each expert received criticisms, and advice.
Of course, defeated a much stronger team. But according to the organizers, and my project has gained a lot of votes. It surprised me, because I thought that the victory of the strong teams will be unconditional, and my idea is very poorly monetized, and therefore is doomed to last place.
Summing up the trip, I will say: it was a useful two days. And even in the local Harats at the station bad unfiltered German beer, it was great. The main bonus is the conviction that my project is not all that bad, and it can be developed and even can be ever make it.
The most obvious next step is to develop a version of the app for iOS. With all the modifications that will soon be done with the Android version: add game time addition of functionality — all that it was decided to do following the visit. I started reading about the development for iOS.
The majority of authors, including here, saying that the correct development for iOS must be made only on the Mac. But if you are expected to use sensors, the emulator is strictly not suitable. Walked around the house, went... went even to the country: not found Macs and iPhones. Of course, about this problem I knew in advance. She shared in an informal conversation with experts on the web ready. It turned out that one of the projects caught some time ago in the sphere of interests of Alexander Lyskovsky, a platform for crowdfunding "world on a string". A group of friends made the enemy analogue of KickStarter, which is known to us doesn't really work. And really, I thought. I have such a popular project, 20,000 + installations on Android! Did not find a thousand other people willing rubles 50 or 100 to donate for the creation of applications on the iPhone, I'd buy a pair of macMini and iPhone, and make the same app! And then move on to the world market, will sell the paid version and make millions! All ingenious is simple. Loyal to the project, motorists can't help support me!!!
So, the campaign to raise funds for equipment for my team kicked off. The first steps was to register on the website, adding a project, drawing up his description. Everything is simple. Very soon I was contacted by the girl Dasha, PR-Director of "world on a string". As I understand it, people in the team not so much, and mere mortals is not provided: no positions below the Director in startups in General can not be, it is a concept. Dasha very sensibly explained to me the technology works, sent examples of the descriptions of the projects, told what to fix, what to add, everything on the merits. However, it turned out that I should not loginrs on the website using your Google account. Login-it is possible, but correctly execute the project did not succeed.
The whole process took about a week: checked description, figured out with your username, made up of the contract (no one signed anything, you're just reading a PDF file and say that I agree). And in the text of the contract only the client is under obligation to pay compensation in the event of a successful fundraiser. And the reward is deducted automatically upon payment.
The biggest challenge was to come up with motivating factors for people to send money. It turned out (it's still good thing I checked in advance, don't know what gave me the idea) that the applications for iOS fail to give to anybody for free. And there is a desire to do the paid version. In the end he was found out: the publication of two apps, one paid, the other free. And free ask password. Of course, in case of success of the application, these passwords will be distributed throughout the country. But if it is successful — and okay, not too bad! The second factor, the comic character, was the assignment of the funny titles and awards. We are planning a system of "achievements" of a different sort, and it is logical sponsors to award special medals.
Dasha was very upbeat. I myself believe in the success: after all, my Android application is popular, and car forums it's just a bomb promotion! It is time to go to the store to choose a device.
So, a couple of days ago, the project published, the campaign started. Immediately throws himself one hundred rubles, just to see how it works. Everything works. Great! Urgently write mastered on the forums and ask the price of devices. To meet the deadline, all you need is 2000 per day to gather 20-30 people. Of those thousands that read my posts, surely there are more.
There it was. Fiasco. It doesn't work at all! Of course, with regard to my project — you never know, maybe something more shocking and real will have more chances. But today I can say the people are not ready to participate. Three days only one unknown benefactor — I suspect some of my friends, I transferred 500 rubles. All the rest gave me a lot of free tips. As you know, free advice is worth exactly what paid for it. There have been many it professionals, telling them what the familiar is perfectly programmed for the iPhone on your pirated Windows, many wished me luck, even more said that you have to earn, not to beg, but to participate is not decided by anybody. Before the end of the fundraiser another 42 days, but I'm pretty sure that this won't work. In Russia, it is still not working, alas. It may, of course, the guys from "world on a string" something will come up, and everything will change, but I was plagued by vague doubts.
To draw conclusions about the project earlier than one year after its publication — is extremely premature. I have an idea how to develop it, to change — and you will know when it will be done. But the practical confirmation of the truths we have received. It's not as hard to do something different. Even something interesting. Certainly much better than doing nothing. Even create something stupid and unnecessary is significantly more useful than do nothing. Without special financial expenses everyone who is familiar with modern it technologies, might have something to offer the audience become the author of your project. Unlikely to get money for it — only a small percentage of such enterprises brings any kind of tangible profit. But the experience and knowledge provided, and this increases the chances of a successful project in the future.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru
— According to statistics, the most dangerous are the first two hours in the life of a person
— It is believed that the last two hours are not devoid of a certain risk..
a Little bit about the design, or where we screwed up
The first version of the mobile application, of course, was planned for Android. By this time I already managed to write a couple of applications published on Google Play. And a dozen test — in which tried out some sort of technology. As IDE I chose NetBeans. For two reasons: first, I didn't like Eclipse since my College days, something I have not once worked. Spoon we then, of course, found but the residue remained. Second: I liked NetBeans, I was a little programmed in ROR using this IDE. So long thought. Now I think it's a mistake, but too late to fix.
To the environment no complaints, but the Android SDK it works as something ugly. Maybe I did not understand the details but something like that. In addition, some useful tools are available for Eclipse, and NetBeans does not. Why should only the opportunity to watch the logcat in the IDE!
Sometimes when you update the SDK, all suddenly broke down, and had somewhere something to register, delete, rename... the use of the Eclipse leads to such problems, but I hope it's not.
About six months I was programming alone. Not to say that it took all my free time, but for me this area was unfamiliar, and even simple things done for a long time. Finally, came the moment when I thought to myself: interesting idea, the technical realization is possible. It is time to use a hint "help a friend". So we became two, and the question of version control has received the status of "need right now" instead of "Oh well, so long as sometime."
At work we use SVN, but for the development of the house is not very suitable: need a repository in a public location. And it is a straight road, for example, bitbucket. And I tried that. As the client chose the Tortoise Hg, for use similar product for SVN. And then I made the second mistake. In the created repository, I filled in all of their projects. But it is generally quite uncomfortable: it was necessary to make a separate repository, or whatever it is called, for each project. This understanding has come, as usual, a little later.
The project includes not only a mobile app but also a web site. According to preliminary estimates, the site was planned very simple, and make it just a couple of weeks. Therefore, it was decided to first bring the app to ready to publish and then work on a site. For this, the team was joined the third party.
The website, which can be done in two weeks, we did three months. Because nothing can be done in two weeks.
This ought to do well before the application is ready, because we just lost this time.
Further, there is another my bad. At the stage of prototype development, I set the minimum version of Android 2.3. 2.2 had some troubles using GPS. And then it turned out that we have many users with Android 2.2 and they also want the application.
Publication: triumph, victory, bright future
On July 30, we finally posted the app on Google Play. Was immediately taken various steps to promote the project. First, I wrote a dozen of specialized forums: the project for motorists and our brother likes to sit on thematic resources, especially during working hours. Secondly, I spent a hundred dollars on advertising AdMob. Of course, I was aware that this amount may not produce tangible effects, but was just wondering. For website promotion we have used the Sape service. A little later, the article was written on Habre in the section "I PR" and article on 4pda in the framework of the program "support of Russian software developers".
A little more about each of these actions and the effect produced. Thematic forums were the most effective, most simple and free way to promote. Apparently, the idea was really quite interesting, as people began to read, to write, to ask, ask, anything, to put a good rating on Google Play. I think not mistaken if I say that in total the topics about our project scored more than 100,000 hits. We were very happy when using the Yandex. Metrica found the discussion on the forums where he has never been before. Negative reviews and posts was very little that gives me confidence that we are on the right track. Despite the fact that the app is available for download only in Russian-speaking countries, after a couple of days it fell under the heading "Gaining popularity" on Google Play, and then located in the "Top new free". The growth of the active devices was more than 300 per day. A record number of page views is 10,000 a day. Amid all this, $ 100 in AdMob is lost like a drop in the ocean.
A week later, I wrote an article on 4pda. And created a thread in the forum by posting the apk. The app is free, and I absolutely was not a pity to put it. The article was a useful thing: more than 1,000 users have downloaded the application from 4pda. It's certainly not a lot, but I think much more went on Google Play — after all for free. The discussion was already more constructive and critical: the people point to the existing counterparts, they looked for flaws in the method of the application.
A week later I published an article on habré. It had been high hopes — after all, Habr one of the most popular it resources in Runet, it is constantly read, read, comment, and of course all try to smash, to criticize, to advise, in General, feedback provided. But perhaps the notice was not very interesting, or a car theme, not very close — the rating of articles was not high, commented a little, to break, nothing broke. The effect is not noticed. So, I did something wrong.
SEO campaign for our site are actually quite funny at this stage. It was started as a "pen test". While the specifics of the resource does not imply millions of visits: the number of search queries for the phrase "zero to 100" in Yandex in about 15,000 a month, while the rest stay on the subject — and less. But with tools less understood, it is safe to mold on the walls the ads "promotion of sites cheap."
But all the small failures could not have even a little bit upset: after all, we were in the "Top new free". Per month more than 20,000 people have installed our app. However, downloads of the measurements on the website was much smaller — a few hundred, but this number has grown steadily, and this is important.
Web Ready Siberia 2012
With such a beautiful and popular project just had to be on any forum. Finding somewhere in the depths Habra publish a list of special events, I chose some of them and wrote letters, applied. The result was that of the planned in the short term only interested in Web Ready. Moreover, on the Siberian stage of the event no contest there, everyone can take part. So I bought a train ticket, and in early September, went to Novosibirsk. Unfortunately, exactly one month after the publication of the application has dropped from the section "Top new free" — perhaps this is Google's rules are, and the number of installations per day has dropped from 700 to 70, and the number of removals as it was 200-300, and left. The number of active devices began to fall sharply... but the picture, by the way.

It depressed.
The first day of the event was focused on training. The organizers read two lectures and talked to students. I must say, the projects were very small — about a dozen. On the one hand, disappointed me: I thought that this is a very popular contest, and there are only ten projects. On the other hand, competition is less! Although to win, I absolutely did not expect: our project is very young and brings nothing but losses. Anyway, not like a revolution in the world of it. But there is always hope. I must say: the idea of going on the Web Ready Siberia was superprofile. I understood it already the first day. First, I liked the performances of the lecturers: the guys talked sensibly, interestingly, convincingly. And even if nothing new was said — all I have somewhere read or heard, anyway: I liked it.
Still it was interesting to chat with the guys who brought their projects. The fact that doubt is always there. And in my case the main question the main question "and not do I nonsense?". Anyone especially do not need, and even funny. Whether it is necessary to tell about it, respected people? And even 20 000 downloads could me until the end to convince her otherwise. And looking at the projects the other guys, I realized that they are the same as mine — as a rule, it is also questionable nonsense. Won the project is quite serious. But it is other weight category: group of 10 people engaged in them for several years, with the financing, the customer — and we just published some garbage on Google Play. In short, I happily realized that my stuff are not alone, and will not stand extreme senselessness.
And it turned out that about my project, people have heard and the contestants and even the organizers showed interest, learned: "Oh, it's you Cars Acceleration? Let's get started!". And this was important: I was convinced that my venture has a prospect.
On the second day was the competition itself and another excellent lecture, which was read by Alexander Lyskovsky (one of the founders of the company Alawar).
Most importantly, the performance of participants. The jury was of the order of seven experts, and each project was given 7 minutes to speak. I do not act much like the round table format is closer to me. But competition is competition. After the speeches were arranged in a "carousel" with the members of the jury: the project came to them and spoke individually with each expert received criticisms, and advice.
Of course, defeated a much stronger team. But according to the organizers, and my project has gained a lot of votes. It surprised me, because I thought that the victory of the strong teams will be unconditional, and my idea is very poorly monetized, and therefore is doomed to last place.
Summing up the trip, I will say: it was a useful two days. And even in the local Harats at the station bad unfiltered German beer, it was great. The main bonus is the conviction that my project is not all that bad, and it can be developed and even can be ever make it.
And where is all the iPhone?
The most obvious next step is to develop a version of the app for iOS. With all the modifications that will soon be done with the Android version: add game time addition of functionality — all that it was decided to do following the visit. I started reading about the development for iOS.
The majority of authors, including here, saying that the correct development for iOS must be made only on the Mac. But if you are expected to use sensors, the emulator is strictly not suitable. Walked around the house, went... went even to the country: not found Macs and iPhones. Of course, about this problem I knew in advance. She shared in an informal conversation with experts on the web ready. It turned out that one of the projects caught some time ago in the sphere of interests of Alexander Lyskovsky, a platform for crowdfunding "world on a string". A group of friends made the enemy analogue of KickStarter, which is known to us doesn't really work. And really, I thought. I have such a popular project, 20,000 + installations on Android! Did not find a thousand other people willing rubles 50 or 100 to donate for the creation of applications on the iPhone, I'd buy a pair of macMini and iPhone, and make the same app! And then move on to the world market, will sell the paid version and make millions! All ingenious is simple. Loyal to the project, motorists can't help support me!!!
Crowdcasting in Russian
So, the campaign to raise funds for equipment for my team kicked off. The first steps was to register on the website, adding a project, drawing up his description. Everything is simple. Very soon I was contacted by the girl Dasha, PR-Director of "world on a string". As I understand it, people in the team not so much, and mere mortals is not provided: no positions below the Director in startups in General can not be, it is a concept. Dasha very sensibly explained to me the technology works, sent examples of the descriptions of the projects, told what to fix, what to add, everything on the merits. However, it turned out that I should not loginrs on the website using your Google account. Login-it is possible, but correctly execute the project did not succeed.
The whole process took about a week: checked description, figured out with your username, made up of the contract (no one signed anything, you're just reading a PDF file and say that I agree). And in the text of the contract only the client is under obligation to pay compensation in the event of a successful fundraiser. And the reward is deducted automatically upon payment.
The biggest challenge was to come up with motivating factors for people to send money. It turned out (it's still good thing I checked in advance, don't know what gave me the idea) that the applications for iOS fail to give to anybody for free. And there is a desire to do the paid version. In the end he was found out: the publication of two apps, one paid, the other free. And free ask password. Of course, in case of success of the application, these passwords will be distributed throughout the country. But if it is successful — and okay, not too bad! The second factor, the comic character, was the assignment of the funny titles and awards. We are planning a system of "achievements" of a different sort, and it is logical sponsors to award special medals.
Dasha was very upbeat. I myself believe in the success: after all, my Android application is popular, and car forums it's just a bomb promotion! It is time to go to the store to choose a device.
So, a couple of days ago, the project published, the campaign started. Immediately throws himself one hundred rubles, just to see how it works. Everything works. Great! Urgently write mastered on the forums and ask the price of devices. To meet the deadline, all you need is 2000 per day to gather 20-30 people. Of those thousands that read my posts, surely there are more.
There it was. Fiasco. It doesn't work at all! Of course, with regard to my project — you never know, maybe something more shocking and real will have more chances. But today I can say the people are not ready to participate. Three days only one unknown benefactor — I suspect some of my friends, I transferred 500 rubles. All the rest gave me a lot of free tips. As you know, free advice is worth exactly what paid for it. There have been many it professionals, telling them what the familiar is perfectly programmed for the iPhone on your pirated Windows, many wished me luck, even more said that you have to earn, not to beg, but to participate is not decided by anybody. Before the end of the fundraiser another 42 days, but I'm pretty sure that this won't work. In Russia, it is still not working, alas. It may, of course, the guys from "world on a string" something will come up, and everything will change, but I was plagued by vague doubts.
To draw conclusions about the project earlier than one year after its publication — is extremely premature. I have an idea how to develop it, to change — and you will know when it will be done. But the practical confirmation of the truths we have received. It's not as hard to do something different. Even something interesting. Certainly much better than doing nothing. Even create something stupid and unnecessary is significantly more useful than do nothing. Without special financial expenses everyone who is familiar with modern it technologies, might have something to offer the audience become the author of your project. Unlikely to get money for it — only a small percentage of such enterprises brings any kind of tangible profit. But the experience and knowledge provided, and this increases the chances of a successful project in the future.
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