Coworking in Saratov — report on the birth

In mid-January, I wrote a post, which was offered in Saratov to make coworking local masters of the keyboard and mouse. Then I promised to tell what will come of this venture. And now I have got around to write a report on how it was.

For the most impatient I will tell at once — we did it! Further text can be regarded as instructions for building a co-working with his hands.

After about 10 days after a post on Habre, I have accumulated a sufficient number of applications from potential coworkers, to have enough to the occupation of the whole table in a cafe, where occurred the first meeting of coworkers. On the meeting was attended by 7 people. Sipping coffee and got acquainted, it was decided that the coworking space to be. This decision started a turbid phase nucleation of the co-working space called "office Search", which came off of the participants kapesni meeting. Initially we were looking for an office downtown in the Internet and on Newspapers, but a lot of our inadequate financial capabilities and aesthetic feelings of the proposals made to expand the geography of search. There was even a funny moment when the owner brought us in some, or barn, or shed, in the centre of the city and on our reasonable question "when are we going to watch the office?" was only able to mutter that "this, as we have in the office" :) However, every once entertainment comes to an end, and eventually we found a room. As it happens (given our budget restrictions), for immediate use it coworkership purpose it was useless and began a new phase of "Run". We collected money, imported furniture, bought mops, cloths and chairs on the street, the dog bit and tore a piece from my jeans when I went to connect to the Internet (Internet I that day hooked right in ripped jeans) :) But these tests we passed and one day, happened on February 25 this year, coworking in Saratov earned! We did it, who made the team along the way.

As initially the task was to make a co-working space for myself, to feel comfortable to work, we built it as a club. New coworkers are invited after approval of applicable. We had kebabs and poker on Friday, going to a pizza party with the mafia and took part in the tender for development exclusively by the coworkers. Coworking now that is what I had imagined when I wrote that post. I enjoy the daily walk to work, which was not noticed for many years.

And if you plan to open your coworking space, you should know that it is at least hemorrhoid, but these efforts eventually pay off. It's cool, when you work with cool people, with whom you were able to do something good. And Yes, if you are going to do your coworking — please, write to the PM, happy to share the experience that we have managed to acquire.

our black flag

PS And in the most conspicuous place in the coworking we have a hefty pirate flag.

P. P. S. When you have lived completely and perform the repair in cheerful colors — I'll post pictures and tell about it.

P. P. P. S. you can Contact me in a PM on Habre or in mail.
Article based on information from


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