Exercise for brain training

In the power of the mind or a long-standing fascination with speed reading, mnemonics and other things, I had an increased interest in the game consists of a set of exercises to train the brain(BrainChallenge, Dr. Kawashima, etc.). Beating almost all that was on the desktop, and nds's desire to use such games for everyday training, but they are not suitable(explain why). Therefore, at leisure, decided wrote a small website with a set of such exercises.

Why we need such training?

First, exercise can be just wondering. To observe what the brain is capable, the speed with which some of the complexity of the tasks it can solve. From a pragmatic point of view, everything is a bit more complicated. As far as I know, there are studies talking about the benefits of such exercises for the development of cognitive abilities and speaking what good of them. I am inclined to think that once the brain is part of the body, it should be a rule that is subjected to regular loads, should be developed that would cope with them. If we take my practice, the few times I had to drop the class, but always came back because he started to feel that something is missing. I think it is possible to conduct a complete analogy with the body workout, like you can without it, then it feel more comfortable.

Two types of thinking

A little too simplistic speculation. I would divide thinking into two types — mechanical and creative. What mechanical thinking is when we have foreseeable state graph, and therefore the speed and ability of solving the problem depends on how quickly we can graph it to get around. Here we help: how we can focus on the task, the speed and amount of memory intermediate results, speed of Recalling information from experience to drop part of the branches, attention span, etc. As mentioned above, I believe that all of these processes are quite amenable to training, and as a result, these exercises help directly to solve this kind of problem. On the other hand there is also a creative component, where the graph is so large that to examine all the options physically impossible, and in fact we can only hope for an Epiphany. There are techniques allowing to partially solve the problem of creative thinking, such as brainstorming, morphological analysis, TRIZ. But any systematic process of training of this type of thinking makes me doubt. From all this we can conclude that this kind of exercises are likely to become smarter, but hardly makes you Einstein.

a Little about mnemonics.

Of all the exercises I would like to highlight the memorization of the list words. The mnemonics for this task there are two main reception, reception sites and reception of the story. First you need to select a familiar location, such as an apartment or a ride to work. And in a symbolic place of word images. Accordingly, in order to recall the list, it will be enough to mentally walk through the apartment and see what you have there is, considerable emphasis is placed on visual memory. The plot is a bit more interesting, you need to come up with a story composed of words, and remembering will be remembered and words, there is visual memory but there is a semantic memory. So, memorizing the list of words story, I think, in addition to the mechanical component of the brain, allows a little touch and creative as to come up with a way for words and associate it correctly with others in the story is not always easy, and have to use imagination, which can be attributed to the tools of creativity.

What's wrong with the games out of the box?

2)the games there, I believe, the most efficient mode.
How it is implemented on the website. Each exercise has three difficulty
Simple: mistakes.
Normal: in case of an error begins the exercise again.
Difficult: Normal + for every answer there is a time limit.
This third option I think is the most effective. As it reached the maximum concentration and start to physically feel like a tack in the brain.


ru.brainexer.com or www.brainexer.com
Interested I would suggest before beginning a busy day to spend time on exercises, and look at the result. Maybe in a week or two you will notice a slight cognitive enlightenment.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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