Experience installing beacons Apple iBeacon & Physical Web Google in the shopping center Semyonov in Moscow

Hello, Habr! Want to share our experience of installing beacons Apple iBeacon &Physical Web Google Eddystone in two shopping centres (all this is done within the project letmeget.ru). One in Moscow (SEC Semenovsky) and one in St. Petersburg (TRK Gulliver). Below, under the cut, two videos — one introduction (why we ever did it, what problems using beacons decides Mall), and the second with some intermediate conclusions.
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Just had a set of about 100 indicators, it is possible to visit these TRK independently to see how these two technologies work. I often encounter comments that it was the Bluetooth technology is a limiting factor in the mass adoption, but rather the percentage of people who include it on their smartphones. In North America the percentage of people with enabled BT is estimated at ~40%, and in Russia, according to the results of testing the technology in two shopping centres — about 10%. Someone will say that this is quite a bit (10%), but think about it — if you have a retail chain, you can 10% of your loyal customers to build stronger communication in your locations with the help of push notifications (motivating, promo codes, etc.). If you look at the Western experience, the number of installations of beacons has a clear upward trend.

Using the fact that the Hub "I PR" I will allow myself to refer to youtube channel, where every day we are publishing a short video with our business experience, implementation of projects, analysis of our mistakes, etc. "No smoothie" so to speak...

First video — what we did and why beacons iBeacon/Eddystone do we need a Mall:

Second video how was the installation in the SEC Gulliver in St. Petersburg and what conclusions can be drawn already (conclusion No. 1 — the beacons fall off from the fixing with double-sided tape — it is necessary to fasten them differently):

Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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