Here is a hybrid...

Bearded banter about hybrids
– What happens if you cross a hedgehog and a snake?
– Barbed wire.
– And if Cybernetics and mathematics?
– Cybererotica!

But if seriously, in this topic we will focus on more complex and interesting hybrid.

the Team of Moscow specialists has crossed

radio frequency measurement technology range ZigBee network and with built-in inertial navigation, MEMS sensors, has added its own mathematical apparatus further coordinate on the Foundation erected applied ON their own development and received as a result of the first and only full-featured Russian positioning system (location) in real time – Real Time Location System (RTLS).

System identificeret determines the exact coordinates and shows on the plan the location of people, vehicles or objects equipped with RF marks, and stores this information in a database, allows you to set the rules for the movement of objects in relation to designated areas and routes and signals the deviations from these rules.

a Little history

Remote identification and positioning of mobile objects in real time is a young field of IT. The first RTLS appeared at the intersection of technologies of radio frequency identification (RFID) and wireless access (WiFi) in the USA in the nineties of the last century. Initially, the RTLS were used in large hospitals for a quick search of personnel and mobile equipment, as well as to monitor vital parameters of patients and emergency medical personnel in critical situations.
Technology got rapid development. Now it is a well-established independent sector – a range of technologies, with standards of production and service infrastructure. Moreover, it is one of the booming industries. The global RTLS market is growing by a third, and this growth rate is projected for the next ten years, despite the recession ( ).
As technologies improve, RTLS, empowerment and declining prices expanded the scope.
Here are just a few modern examples:
  • the exploration and search for victims in the area of emergency situations
  • the
  • security companies
  • the
  • asset management
  • the
  • manage personnel
  • the
  • debug and monitor processes
  • the
  • security for offshore oil and gas platforms,
  • the
  • supply chain management wholesalers,
  • the
  • monitoring the specification of the car on the Assembly line,
  • the
  • and even the health of cattle in bestolkovoe content.


In modern manufacturing, transportation, logistics it is important to control the location of the objects – vehicles, people, objects. For this purpose they are developing satellite navigation systems (GLONASS, GPS) and intelligent surveillance system, able to capture and escort a multitude of purposes. For solving such problems are created and various radar systems.
Satellite navigation systems work only outdoors, indoors they are powerless. CCTV system, giving a clear video image, is not capable, without human intervention reliable and inexpensive to identify a target.
RTLS is characterized by the ability to identify, determine the exact location and
clearly show on the plan the location and movement of controlled objects.

RTLS – eye for ASU

One of the important directions of development of automated systems is the elimination or at least reduction in the influence of the human factor by automating data entry the presence and location of objects. For this purpose all the more widely used bar codes and RFID tags. But even in this case, as in the days of punch cards, an essential attribute of the process is operator – a girl with a scanner or reader of labels. Alternatively, instead of the girl can use the card reader portal at the warehouse gate post or an RFID reader on the conveyor. In the latter case, no girl is going to object, and the object of "our partners" to the reader.

RTLS – nepahanoe field for IT professionals and new opportunities for their clients

Even from this short note it is clear that RTLS opens new perspectives of automation in many applications. Moreover, by itself and in combination with current and projected ACS – SAP ERP, SAP HCM, access control, security systems,...
As the foreign practice, RTLS opens new opportunities in various fields. Several thousand companies engaged in the development and implementation of automated systems in more than hundred countries have adopted RTLS technology and successfully implement it in their respective market segments. The introduction of such promising innovations allows them to better meet the needs of their clients, increasing their competitiveness and revenues. Some examples of the use of RTLS (in translation) can be found on the blog
In Russia, the application of the RTLS begins.

RTLS from the RTLS

But back to the team.
Now it RTLS, OOO. The company already manufactures and supplies all of the iron and positioning system. Although the official presentation of the gone few weeks, the RTLS system, among others, had become interested in such companies as RusHydro, Rosatom, Severstal.

Abramovic too small to tell about the features of RTLS systems, technologies, applications. If the subject will interest Habraken, I will write continuation. And the impatient can go ahead on the company's website: – where all these issues are discussed in detail.
Article based on information from


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