Invited to open lectures on the game industry in WSBI

there Comes the last month of summer, and it is possible to devote not only to rest but also to gain new knowledge, experiences and connections! In the month of August in Moscow in the framework of the program "Management games" will host a variety of open lectures.

They are all free to visit, to come and participate can be anyone, you only need to register on the page the desired event, as the entry lists.

In the program:


    4 August(Friday) 2017 lecture topic: "the Gaming industry: management"

    7 August(Monday) 2017 public lecture on "Getting into game development! Features of employment in the games industry"

    9 August(Wednesday) 2017 open day programme of the gaming industry

    11 August(Friday) 2017 lecture topic: "the Gaming industry: the artist in the computer games"

    18 August(Friday) 2017 lecture topic: "the Gaming industry: marketing"

    23 August(Wednesday) 2017 open lecture "game Design: game mechanics"

Under the cut details about each event and links to registration.

August 4, 2017 lecture topic: "the Gaming industry: management" in the framework of the project "University open to the city: the Tower at VDNKH".


The gaming industry today is an enormous market in which the earnings of the individual companies valued in the billions of dollars and high salaries of employees doing work in game development are not only interesting, but also profitable.

At the lecture You will learn about what it is like to work in the gaming industry, is the difference between working in a large company from self-developed games, who is in the team and what they need in order to create and run their game. There will be a lot of cases, and by the end of the lecture links to useful materials for independent study, including homework.

Lecturer – Utochkin Vyacheslav, Director of educational programs for the gaming industry, WSBI HSE. Launched multiplayer tank action Armored Warfare, operated on a very popular Russian MMORPG Perfect World client, browser-based shooter "Bumz!" and other games in Mail.Ru Group. Has personal experience creating online browser games, mobile gaming and VR gaming.

Start at 19:00.
All welcome.

Link to electronic filing.

Address: metro station "VDNKH", prospect Mira, 123б, IEC "worker and collective farm girl". view map

August 7, 2017 public lecture on "Getting into game development! Features of employment in the games industry"


the LECTURE WILL be of interest:

— People interested in games and are considering to start working in the gaming industry;
Budding professionals who want to learn more about finding work in the industry;
— Experienced professionals, employees of gaming companies, producers and others working in the gaming industry, aimed at obtaining knowledge about the current criteria for selection of experts in game development.


— Variety of specializations in the game industry. The advantages and disadvantages of professions "programmer", "artist", "producer", "community Manager", etc. the Features of the entry threshold for each of the professions inexperienced/experienced candidate.
— The specifics of the graphics work in game development: freelance, work in the office and working on your own project.

A public lecture will be lead Director for development and training of staff 101ХР – Oleg Dobroshtan and HR Manager 101ХР – Julia Kovalev.

registration starts: 18:30.
Event start: 19:00.

→ Link to e check

Location: Trifonovskaya str., 57, p. 1 (metro Rizhskaya). location map
Please bring an identity document.

August 9, 2017 the day of open doors programme of the gaming industry


August 9 (Wednesday), at 19:00 will take place the open doors day, dedicated to the autumn recruitment program for professional training "Management of game projects" . If you like games you are interested in the process of their development, launch and promotion you have long cherished dream to own the game, already working in a gaming company or just have questions about creating games, you will find it useful to visit our open day programme of training for game industry!

With the presentation of the program "Management of projects" will be presented by Director of educational programs for the gaming industry Vyacheslav Utochkin.

All participants can count on:

— Detailed description of the program, its students, teachers and the educational process;
— The answers to all your questions about training programs for the gaming industry, WSBI and the gaming industry in General;
— Informal discussions after the open day with the faculty and guests of the event.

Start at 19:00.

→ Link to e check

Location: Trifonovskaya str., 57, p. 1 (metro Rizhskaya). location map
Please bring an identity document.

August 11, 2017 lecture topic: "the Gaming industry: the artist in the computer games"


Computer games is a new field of fine art. Who draws them? How they are created? How to become a game artist/designer? The answers to these and many other questions the audience will learn during the lecture.

We are on the threshold of a new era, and this era of computer games and simulations. Psychologists have long found that the human brain does not distinguish reality from imagination or memories, he experiences some life experience, and this experience is important to us, whatever the source.

Once the best of those worlds, who are now the artists are creating for gaming, will take its place in the history of world fine art, get into galleries and exhibition spaces of the future will be the subject of disputes, art historians and culturologists. But today we even don't notice how amazing and gorgeous worlds do artists of our time for the gaming industry.

In this lecture students will become familiar with the best possible artists. In addition, the lecturer will talk about what artists do and why, what is their Outlook and how they can be realized in the field of gaming.

LecturerVera Velichko, teacher education programs for the gaming industry, WSBI HSE, the founder of the Studio Owl Studio, draws more than 22 years, eight of them in game development. Led the development of the art for many projects of different styles and genres.

Start at 19:00.

All welcome.

→ Link to register

Address: metro station "VDNKH", prospect Mira, 123б, IEC "worker and collective farm girl". view map

August 18, 2017, the lecture on "Games industry: marketing"


Congratulations! You have done an excellent computer (or mobile) game! But what's the point if no one reports it? In today's world, where every day there are thousands of games, that marketing determines whether you reach success. Whether your game is at the hearing, or die in obscurity? Will you be able to support shops and the attention of the press or limit your audience – friends and colleagues? It is marketing the game now is as relevant as ever, because the supply generally exceeds demand.

About exactly as it is now is the game marketing what to do for new developers on how to promote your project (especially if the marketing budget is not particularly high), and will be discussed in class.

How to identify the target audience of your game? What is a "purchase traffic" and why press releases no longer help to attract due attention to the gaming press? Whether to display your project on the game shows and what they are? All this will learn during the lecture.

LecturerSergey Zykov, teacher education programs for the gaming industry, WSBI HSE, professional and expert with more than 12 years of experience in the gaming industry.

Start at 19:00.
All welcome.

→ Link to register

Address: metro station "VDNKH", prospect Mira, 123б, IEC "worker and collective farm girl". view map

August 23, 2017 open lecture "game Design: game mechanics"


When we talk about the game, we mean rules that determine the notion of a game. But the basis of any of the rules are repeatable activity that determine the very Mechanics of the game. These atomic elements make us return again and again to the game, to get involved and to get involved in the gaming process, to the injection of the neurotransmitter dopamine in learning and gain mastery.

this lecture we will discuss:

— That is Game Mechanics, and why it is the basis of the game?
— Discuss the underlying principles of Game mechanics.
— Give a General classification of Game mechanics and analyze the history of their development on real examples.

the Lecture will be of interest:

Budding game developers who want to understand the basic functioning of the games.
— People interested in games and are considering to start working in the gaming industry.
— Employees of gaming companies for greater understanding and reinforcement of knowledge about the game mechanics.

An open lecture will be led by the teacher of discipline of "Game mechanics" on the program "Management of projects" — Sergey Himmelreich. Producer, game designer, founder of Studio WORK ORC.

Start at 19:00.

→ Link to e check

Location: Trifonovskaya str., 57, p. 1 (metro Rizhskaya). location map

see you at our events!
Article based on information from


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