Jaromer — new logging service and display the values of karma and habrosyne

Habroker — the logging service values of karma, hybrasil and position in the ranking of carpolithes and display this information on the widgets that you can insert into a profile, blog, forum, etc.

Habroker feedbee Habroker feedbee
Habroker feedbee

For these purposes, has already been written Kamagra from Goodrone. But the development of his now frozen, and the engine broke down and counters not updated since last year (at the time of writing). This prompted to write your karmagra right now.

Consider whether the word "Cemagref" the name of a specific service from Goodrone, or the class name of the services (or the graphics) — I don't know. Not to bother with this question, your Cemagref decided to call otherwise — Habroker. It is not only karma, he believes, and shows, but also hybrasil and position in the ranking (all outputs at the moment the API Habra). Habroker different from Karmagra despite the visual similarity of the design of the main widget. Of course, I tried to take the best of Karmarama. The main difference between Cabramatta widgets will be several different types. Now available three — karmarific, scoreboard and minitable.

So, a few words about what happened. The whole service consists of a subsystem of information gathering and its visualization subsystem. Every 2 hours the bot collects information about the values of karma, hybrasil and position in the ranking (I call these Habrosyne) via API Habra for all logged on users. Data is stored in the database. At any time anyone can go to the user page and see the history of his Habersdashery. Now shows a history of the last 500 queries (12 queries a day, turns slightly more than 40 days). In the future, the display definitely will change, the calendar will appear. In addition, there are graphical widgets that display the current Habrosyne user, the maximum and minimum values during the monitoring period, and a timetable of karma (the presence of certain components depends on the type (size) of the widget).

All scripts written in PHP, use MySQL (yet anyway). For drawing use ImageMagick. To run on schedule — Cron.

It works on my server (server.valera.ws), which, incidentally, is not very powerful and cannot withstand gebrettert. By the way, from a technical point of view there is one major difference between the work of Habanera from Cemagref — widgets are drawn not on the schedule after the jump fresh data, and when the first request for displaying the widget after updating the data. In other words, after drawing the widget is cached. The drawing itself is very fast. And the cache is cleaned after the jump fresh data. This allows you to spread the peak load for drawing fresh widgets in time. Besides, not all registered users at all where you will place the widgets, and especially not place the widgets at once. So that a single drawing of all the widgets would be redundant.

Naturally the service is provided "as is" and free to use. Code Cabramatta I'm going to open it, but later. First you want to debug his work, to correct mistakes (which there probably are). The code is open under GPL 3.

Now the service operates in the mode of beta-testing. I will be glad to your feedback, bug reports by e-mail feedbee@gmail.com. First of all I want to achieve stability and optimize the resource consumption of the service. Well, and then have to worry about the ease of use.
The first thing I will try to finish the planned types of widgets. It 31х31, 88kh31 and 350kh20. Will also have to think of something with the extension color schemes. When the time will work on the design of the site's pages.

P. S. the Website of the service (description of system and bot): http://habrometr.server.valera.ws.

P. S. S. this Domain was chosen not on purpose, it happened that server.valera.ws != valera.ws. Because so long.

P. S. S. If gebrettert will be covered with my server, not throw a lot of stones in the garden. Haven't had the chance to test it under load.

UPD. Moved to the blog I Habrahabr, to reduce the load on the server (all the topics from it are only visible to the subscribers of this blog).
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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