Maybe to share "favorites" and "Read later"?

Inspired by this comment.

The fact is that in most cases users add articles to favorites not because of the article really liked it and wants to keep it — but only in order to avoid losing it and to read later. Enough to endure a bunch of trash in the favorites!

In the current implementation, I see two problems:

1. The word "favorites" says that article is worth to read it again later. Sometimes it would be nice to go through the list any articles and reread them — but now it is impossible because they are mixed in a pile called "postpone-for-later".

2. Counter add to favorites at the moment is useless. If the user liked the article, and he saved it in favorites is a measure of its quality and information value (return to the post mentioned in the beginning). Most likely, this article will not lose relevance in the next couple of weeks, as with the news, and it will feature counter "Favourites" from the simple number of advantages in the ranking of the publication which may become unnecessary in the near future.

I propose to leave the "favorites" button in the same form that it is now, but add a new "Read later", similar to the "Watch Later" on YouTube. By the way, the latter also has a limit of 200 videos so the user does not forget to view the earliest and remove them as necessary.

Update: TorchTT offers also the possibility to create folders in the "Favorites":
"The reason — at the moment when you add articles to your favorites it appears in the list, for example, if you want to view articles on a specific topic, which belong to the several different and often non-intersecting hubs, you have to prosmatrivat the whole list of articles which can be extremely much. In the case of the ability to create folders will have the opportunity to add your favorite articles into folders, for example, "Algorithms", "imaging", "refactoring", and so on.

It is for this reason I don't use favorites, but create corresponding folders for bookmarks in the browser."
Article based on information from


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