MODX releases Revolution 2.1 with full support for SQL Server

the MODX Team did a great job and produced the next important version of Revolution. MODX Revolution 2.1 is officially released and includes native support for Microsoft SQL Server.

“From now on you can run MODX Revolution completely on the stack of Microsoft technologies, including Microsoft SQL Server. This provides great opportunities for partners of participants MODX Solution Partners that sell our solutions in environments that are built on the basis of commercial servers and licensed software.” said Ryan Thrash (Ryan Thrash) the CEO of MODX, LLC. “The market Microsoft also receives important benefits from our software: flexible web framework for content management, complete creative freedom and a reliable upgrade cycle between versions. Companies working on the Microsoft platform can receive all of this support through programs Commercial Support and SLA”.

The IDC report shows that Microsoft Windows is the leader in sales of servers with a preinstalled OS with a share of 48.9% in the first quarter of 2010. Companies that invest in the Microsoft platform can take advantage of the most flexible CMS platforms open source simultaneously with the use of the existing infrastructure and servers, using the skills of existing professionals, their experience and tools.

Gianugo Rabellino, chief Executive officer opencores community at Microsoft says:

“We are very happy to see the spark of the experience of working with PHP and Microsoft developers increased release that offers full support for SQL Server and Microsoft technology stack. For us, this release is another marker in our journey to the goal more interoperabilnosti in technology. The choice for developers and business was the main purpose of our recent activities SQL Server JumpIn! Camp held in November. And we are very pleased to see that the goal has been achieved in this release of MODX. We thank the MODX team for their contribution and cooperation which made it possible to achieve this goal.”

In addition MODX Revolution 2.1 offers improvements in performance of the sites with the improvements and optimizations in the caching subsystem. These changes qualitatively affect the increase in the speed of loading pages, reduce server load and offer more opportunities to scale across multiple servers and data clusters.

A significant change is presented in MODX Revolution 2.1 is the removal of thousands of lines of legacy code, which reduced the system size by 35%. In this regard, for commands governing the web sites, it is important to test existing web solutions prior to deploying the updates of the sites on the Revolution 2.1. For organizations that require support in checking their sites, the company MODX recommends to work with partners MODX Solution Partner

MODX Revolution 2.1 is freely available from the website Commercial support for MODX is available at the link For more information on MODX please visit, and to read news about MODX blog

From the translator: To quickly and automatically install MODX on Microsoft, you can use Web Platform Installer. Just follow following link to start the installation.
Article based on information from


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