Online hackathon: the Social network for 48 hours

Hello, dear readers of Habrahabr!

Sorry for the lull after our previous hackathons: Tradeous, I Am Blind, Po-Pomodoro (Timooo). 've been pretty busy.

Over the past two months we have developed two mobile social networks high loading with completely different functionality (Coastr and Symblistic). For the first it took 4 weeks to develop the second took 3 weeks. This design, server, and iOS and Android app. In one of the briefings one of us asked "is it possible to develop a full-fledged social network for 48 hours, our forces?". Having reflected, having estimated the amount of work and taking into account strict deadlines, I went "why not?".

Thus, dear friends, we decided to collect the whole social network for 48 hours as a kind of a "Proof of concept". We want to prove that to create a working version with modern instruments, possibly in a short time. Moreover, each member of the team will broadcast their work in online you will be able to personally oversee the progress of development.

Disclaimer: Please don't take this article to heart, take the joke and the fun of this idea. We are serious guys, which decided to fool around, here to take and to write a social network in 48 hours. I know that for many it will seem incredibly easy; I know that many will ask: "Why bother?". We do not expect an audience, nor fame — we just decided to prove in practice that, using modern technology, it is possible to write a social network in a short time. Before you play, please share the link to a broadcast of other people who did the same thing. Thank you!

Interested please under cat.

a few words about the Sweater

In light of recent events, our trust privacy settings on social networks, badly shaken. Everything is here: the FSB and the NSA, and the FBI, and Germany — are spying on what tomatoes you want to buy for dinner (regular or cherry varieties). Enough is enough!

We aimed to establish an Orthodox analogue of Twitter and register it in the Djibouti. Why? To none of the existing intelligence agencies were not able to follow your blog. Yes, I repeat, we will not give any "entourage" security services! Viva la resistance!

In the ongoing hackathon will implement the iOS and Web version of the app. The break through!

a few words about the team

We are all ex — freelancers with extensive experience in a particular area. Someone great designer, someone the master Web-fu, someone has a black belt in iOS development, someone ate a couple of dogs on Android apps, somebody just beautiful and gets a coin that time can round the eyes.

Broadcast online will be the development of 2 designers, 1 Web developer and 1 designer amazing that volunteered to help us — mewz.

a few words about our blog

Taking this opportunity, a little popery blog because the article in the hub "I PR".

Everybody needs a set of goals to be achieved. Yielding to the popular wave of mini-blogs about business, we decided to start our own blog. Our goal was the rise of the volumes of the Studio up to $100,000/month for the year. However, to dwell on goals not — need to divide it into stages. And so we did!

Our blog is a mirror of the company. Each step, each stage, monthly turnover, interesting notes we published there. We are waiting for you in our cosy community! And in the group In Contact periodically we're giving away cash prizes — things to grab, Gabriel!

Conclusion and references

A huge thank you for read small anansik our event!
We are waiting for you on the broadcast:
We are waiting for you in my blog:
Waiting for you to contact:

See you soon!

quick FAQ

you fail.
Unfortunately, absolutely all the team members have at least two social network in its portfolio. We've run across a lot of pitfalls and we know how to get around them. So yeah, collect SOC. network for 2 days we can. At least, I'm sure.
what is all this? Maybe you want to do something useful?
This hackathon to what did not oblige. We are not going to compete with Twitter, we just want to prove that to collect a social network for 48 hours is possible. Yes its possible to check.
Which I use to watch your hack... Waka... Recamation?
Novice programmers can something interesting to learn. And the rest can try their luck at our regular contest contact and win 5000 rubles.

Article based on information from


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