Online LaTeX editor Papeeria: year-end and Christmas gifts

In early may, we told you on our online LaTeX editor. Then he was in alpha version, we view with some alarm followed garraffello, was proud to have withstood it quite well, and he wondered in what form we will start the new school year. Six months later, and perhaps it is time to share the news, especially since they we have.
But first a few words about the gifts: we are in the company with Santa Claus hold Christmas hakaphone for real Technicians. Participate and win a 1 year subscription!

From alpha to Beta

We become so sure of the availability and reliability of service that changed the status of "alpha" to "beta". We do backups and know how to recover data from them, compiler factory massturbate automatically as the load increases, and the monitor sends us an SMS as soon as he sees something suspicious, and sends again if you have not received a response.

Mobile version

If you ride the subway and you urgently need to edit a presentation, use the mobile version for smartphones and tablets. It is simpler than full, but for simple edits is quite good. One of us managed on the way to the next startup get-together to make up a card for your iPhone, send PDF to the printing house near the scene of action, and (most incredible) to get business cards printed just in time.

Collaborative editing

Often over text a few people are working, and the possibility of co-authoring very useful. On the implementation in the style of Google Docs (multiple cursors, updates in real time) we work, and yet we have collaborative editing in the style of Wikipedia: one who edits, he locks the file, and the rest see this file read-only. Lock out and removed automatically.


We removed the restriction of "one project per user", and made projects of different degrees of publicity: public, private and archived. Open projects are visible to read and compile all, and they can be created indefinitely. Look, for example, nontrivial poster (to the right in the picture too it).

Private projects are only visible to their owner and anyone the owner has granted access and the number of private projects is limited to the tariff plan (Oh, by the way, we have percents, see below).

But we understand that the project ends sooner or later, deposited in the archives and probably never return. Archived projects we also have. They cannot be edited or compiled, and read them as and private, may be the owner and invited co-authors. And the number of archived projects is not limited.

Any project to which you have read access, with a couple of clicks to copy themselves and dopilivat a file.


Almost every week there are all sorts of necessary stuff: the wrapping lines, simple autocompletion in the editor, save state directories, and so on. Recently there was, for example, first version of a Hellish Scientist, also known as the spellchecker for the English and Russian languages.


We have a stack of templates. Those who wrote highly cited articles, certainly useful patterns from ACM and Springer, and users simpler like the minimum workable Cyrillic document or a pretty professional summary approved best HR'AMI.

Finally, we have a toll rates and first paid users. We, users, really love and appreciate. Come!
Article based on information from


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