Opporty — a new marketplace for small business on the blockchain

According to statistics, less than 10% of start-UPS can survive on the market more than one year. The main reason for their failures is the inability to find regular customers. This may be due to the fact that the company has chosen a product that is not demanded in the market. A product no one is buying, and therefore the company fails.
However, most often another reason is fatal for businesses. The more developed the market, the more competition, the harder it is to attract the attention of the target audience and convey your product to the target customers. This is true even if the product on a number of characteristics ahead of the competition whether it be a product or service. Producing a better quality product means higher costs, especially in cases where production is not yet widespread. In these conditions, we often observed that small business fizzles out, and not always survives.
In these circumstances, there is a significant difference in the behavior of the business.
Unlike small businesses, large companies can use brand awareness and sufficient resources for a promotion to bring an innovative product to market. They already have some loyal customers.
At the same time, customers are much more careful in responding to the new product which is produced in small, unknown company. This is for several reasons:
- Small business known to a limited number of customers; the
- in a small business not have the resources to promote the product; the
- Small business loses due to the low efficiency and randomness of the processes (more on this story later).
This example is well marked in the U.S. market in competition with legal companies from 1 to 5 people with giants such as LegalZoom or RocketLawyer. The same thing is happening in the transportation market. The most obvious example is the network of supermarkets and small retail outlets and Uber-like companies.
So how can a small law firm to compete with whole corporations? To survive, a company must:
- to Actively work on reputation: make it so that potential clients trusted her; the
- to Find a way to effective to not to buy leads and to attract them organically (e.g. through content and expertise); the
- to Strengthen the standards of doing business, thereby increase the overall efficiency of processes to decrease costs and increase profits.
These three business objectives and helps to solve Opporty.
What is Opporty?

Opporty — service marketplace on the blockchain, which helps small companies solve all of these problems. This is achieved through several elements:
- Platform for the exchange of knowledge; the
- Smart contracts implementasinya operations for small business
the Ecosystem of suggestions, requests and responses. the
Opporty not only creates the conditions to ensure that small companies have significantly reduced the cost of search and conversion of new customers, but also makes litigation impractical. And now, in order.
Ecosystem suggestions, requests and responses

Proposals (offers), queries (requests) and responses (responses) are used by registered companies, service providers (for example, it can be freelancers or contractors) and clients.
If the service provider wants to reach potential clients, it leaves the offer the terms of cooperation, collects feedback, and then chooses the best offer.
In case the company needs to find a service provider, it leaves the query also collects the responses and chooses the best offer.
Question: If you create ads allowed all different Opporty?
Platform for knowledge sharing

Suggestions, queries and feedback only the first stage of the actual conversion on the Opporty (although not competitive niches customers can be found and so).
To boost your chance at getting Lida, the user can work on his reputation and rating on the platform. It is where a “Platform for exchange of knowledge.” Its idea is simple:
- to get the leads, you can share this expertise through content (e.g., publishing articles, answering questions, etc.); the
- the more expertise is demonstrated to users, the more likely it is that when choosing a company or service provider, users will choose you.
Every registered business possesses particular expertise; the
(If you noticed, Habrahabr is a platform for the generation and exchange of knowledge in the IT industry.)
Sharing your experience and knowledge, users not only gain reputation, but you get the OPP tokens using which you can buy additional offers (ads on the granting or about finding a contractor for the performance of services). You can also rent additional advertising space to place your company on the top etc.
Platform for knowledge exchange already has 10 active contributors who regularly post their research, useful articles and case studies. Although we did not have time to engage seriously in the promotion of this solution (now all the forces going to the upcoming ICO), the platform works and attracts new users looking for useful niche content. This ensures a high attendance of the resource and its prominence on the Internet. Traffic Opporty.com smoothly increases. Daily added new businesses. This happens in passive mode, because we are on others, but we look forward to explosive growth in the near future when we switch to the promotion of the project.
Escrow and smart contracts

Opporty offers support escrow-judges and business-oriented smart contracts for small businesses. This means that:
- Companies reduce costs by gaining access to the massive standardized orders. Smart contracts can be programmed using a conventional if-else conditions, breaking the process into clear stages, thereby reducing the likelihood of non-compliance of any of the parties.
Companies receive an effective tool for the standardization of business processes, which by default is implemented in the platform. Although the company can work without smart contracts, proposals and requests from users that support smart contracts will rank higher in internal search Opporty.
the Company quickly solve problems. If the interpretation of the terms of the contract or its implementation are at odds, the complaining party initiates the escrow procedure using Oracle and choice of total or partial cancellation, of the transaction. Independent escrow-the judges decide the case. This system allows to achieve resolution of previously intractable conflicts. the
Distinguishing features Opporty
Although Opporty is actively working on the launch of the ICO, we are a vibrant, working platform and do not collect money for a nonexistent project. At the moment Opporty has more than 1000 verified suppliers services in more than 286 cities. Also on the website already present users who post content. Their number is still small, but it increases, in fact, no effort on our part.
We constantly Refine the platform and add new functionality. From January 2017 the developers release monthly updates of the platform.
the Team

On the development and promotion Opporty employs 25 professionals of different directions. Most of the team — the developers aimed to create a basis for smart contracts, prepare the necessary functionality and support blockchain solutions Opporty. We persistently move towards his goal to create a service marketplace with deep integration of the blockchain technology, which will help to solve the real problems of the small and medium business.

In addition to the core staff, we help 16 professionals in the field of IT, cryptocurrency, blockchain, artificial intelligence, marketing, and management. Here are some of our consultants: Wulf Kaal, Elie Galam, Sead Muftic, Esteban Van Goor, Marc Kenigsberg. You can read more about them you can here.
Summing up we can say the following about us:
- has strong MVP version, which has already successfully passed the validation by users. the
- in-house team with relevant experience in the development and promotion of major projects. the
- Strong team Advisor in the relevant fields. the
- Previous experience in management and entrepreneurship, which has enabled us to grow to 50 employees and successfully operate in several countries. the
- Own the means by which we build and develop this project. If you imagine that the ICO will not happen, then the project will still live and grow.
Today, 19 October 2017 starts Whitelisted Presale our tokens. To sign up to participate, you must fill out a form on our the website.
Thank you for your attention!
PS: I'm ready to answer all the questions in the comments. Feedback welcome.
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