Review of GPS tracker by Visiontac VGPS-900

I have Long wanted to stop the suffering with trying to remember where the photo was taken, I wanted just once to see your photos, beautifully scattered around the map, but the GPS tracker it seemed to me cumbersome, and requires malivuk propietario software device, until I stumbled on people who have tried dozens of similar devices from miniature, battery-powered, the multi-purpose monsters. On his advice I bought it out at the field, and now, trying it on, I want to tell, what is he like.

Visiontac VGPS-900

Visiontac VGPS-900 is an advanced tracker which can apart from the route entry and staging points to be recorder and the GPS receiver, the benefit inside the integrated Bluetooth. The question price — from 90 to 150 dollars plus shipping, as in Russia, to find it I failed.

Visiontac VGPS-900

He looks very cute, but cuteness is a huge minus — metal and mirrored back wall collects fingerprints and scratches at the time, the front face also bears the dubious plastic gloss.

Visiontac VGPS-900

Visiontac VGPS-900

Visiontac VGPS-900

Visiontac VGPS-900

For a device that needs to suffer during the journey, a very stupid decision, although added save.

Visiontac VGPS-900

Comparison with an iPhone, an iPod shuffle and a five-ruble coin.

Visiontac VGPS-900

Included in addition to the already mentioned device has a sheath, rope in hand (which in view of its futility I soon removed), microSD card reader, USB cord, car charger USB, PSU American fork, ending with a mini-usb and manual.

Visiontac VGPS-900

Standard gentleman's set, but to buy a microSD card have their own. The device has a small memory footprint, but serious RAID it won't work, and it takes cards up to 2 GB, formatted in FAT. The CD with software is also absent, but there is a link to the website of Colombus, obviously, the OEM manufacturers of the same device, which is reflected in our logo from chargers
Now for the software. One of the main criteria for me was the availability of programs under MacOS, it really is. But relatively. Is the program Time Album and represents .jar file than provides a terrible interface, ignoring all characteristics of the system and mnogozadachnosti.

Time Album

The program is totally strange. It allows to configure the tracker by using the saved config file to the root of the device, but no change in his work to notice I couldn't. The only thing is configured well — the time of creation points, which is useful if day (more about that later) is insufficient.
Time Album 2

The primary objective of such programs — import CSV file generated by the device and the ratio of points with pictures, which the camera must be set to time, the most accurate (the tracker itself takes time from the satellite). Optional sozdanie beautiful maps in Google Earth format. In the official program in the first place was placed a beautiful card on the second photo. The generated map is ugly, the program is impossible to watch it before you export and edit not in the blind, and the photos are not always normally get your tags.

Time Album 1

So almost immediately I began to look for analogues and found myTracks. I'm not going to talk about the program, but it paid (nine pounds) cataloger tracks, not without flaws (the strangeness of the interface), but it is a good job.


In principle, there are online services cataloging and geotagging photos "on the spot", but keep the database and the photos still enjoyable.

Most importantly — how it works. Initially I tested it in Moscow, and then during the week in the tour of Italy. And was satisfied. In the cold condition to accurately detect as it catches the satellites failed, I confess, I forgot about it, in a warm — about a couple of minutes (the device beeps, catching satellites), in the subway, even in the shallow stations of course catches, but at the exit of the tunnel is taken for the entry points almost immediately, but depends on the situation. Size imposes some limitations on the power of the receiver, so leaving him out of the blue in the room can be a "blot" around the house.


The plane tracker works quite well, lying in the pocket in front of the seat near the window, but finds satellites far not at once, in flight from Moscow to Naples caught only in the Smolensk region and the second time discharged somewhere over Eastern Europe.


To my surprise — he also could not get a signal in the high-speed train Rome-Naples, apparently either due to the screening of cars, telephone there caught very bad, or because of interference. However, in all other cases it works well, making only a small error, if you do not lose the satellites and it can happen just in the narrow streets, hilly terrain and other places that the consumer does not like. Also the receiver does not like lying on the bottom of the bag. While rare, this happened to me a couple of times times to find them again reluctant and it turns out the track "torn." Once he even decided not to finish his work and cut a track in the middle of a route

And Yes — about time. It is just great, normally he quietly works sixteen hours turning it on early in the morning, going back to the night I found happily flashing green light the device.


And now the examples work

Pictures theatergasse this out at the field (except the first)

Example .kml of the track made My Tracks (link to file)
Tracks (for some reason all the files did not accept a site, so only a couple):
Moscow-Naples (aircraft)
Vyhino — Leningradsky railway Station to Kryukovo — signal loss on the way to the train station (metro and train)

In the tracker there are three functions that I have tried, but not used. It — using it as a Bluetooth GPS receiver and the function of a manual input for POI and voice points. With a GPS receiver I came across a simple problem — to find a descent software under Mac OS and Linux, which would understand the device, I didn't, and use it as a receiver I didn't. Interestingly, it can record the points and during operation in modes the receiver which should be very useful in the car, unless, of course, to power it from the cigarette lighter, in this mode runs out it needs very quickly.
And voice and just points incredibly easy. I want to create a point — click a single button in the center, on the track it marked. I want to write a note — press the button on the side, say, to go to the track hangs on a. WAV file. Quality is sufficient for taking notes. The restriction on recording time depends only on the size of the card.

Summarizing all the above device I put 7/10 for size, time, ease of operation and extra features. The impression is spoiled gloss, horrible bundled software and willfulness in the record tracks.

PS Official site with a description of the trekkers, there are a lot of harsh numbers.
P. P. S. Looking at the above site I remembered that I forgot to write about another feature that I not the motorist, is absolutely necessary. This is a warning about the speeding. In the official program in the generation process.the config file you can set the speed, above which the device will start beeping. Implementation I think is absolutely useless, because it does not take into account the fact that the speed limit can be different on different roads.
Article based on information from


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