Service by SMS and e-mail support parcels "Mail of Russia" and EMS

Hello! For several months I watched as my friends from the sticker store "Vinyl with cinnamon", implement the service track a package.Russian — SMS and e-mail support packages, letters, parcels, and other matters of "Mail of Russia" and "EMS Russian Post". First, the guys worked out the technology on your store and now decided to make it available for customers and administrators of the online stores. Actually, chat in the comments you will with them. And now, welcome to under the cat— to the point of service and the history of how it was created.

it All started with the fact that two years ago we opened an online shop selling vinyl stickers. About half of the orders we send by Post of Russia, but about 15% of them came back. Due to the fact that the majority of the items were cod, we receive less money. Began to ring round clients and to know why they didn't take the parcel. Mostly answered: "I did not know that she has arrived", "I have the wrong house number and she came to another branch", "in my entryway, someone is always ignites mailboxes!" Ie, to the buyer for one reason or another did not reach the paper on the entry of the parcel to the post office. But in General, the answers ranged from "I don't need Ordering, I changed my mind" and "I found a cheaper and decided not to tell you that the parcel I do not need, and indeed, who are you?!" to the banal "I forgot to pick up."

If human is difficult to do anything, it is more effective to inform customers to try. First, the Manager tried to call all who are under the status of the tracking code parcel arrived. It turned out to be ineffective and very time consuming: many did not take up, and those who answered the call or promised to take "the week" did not take, or even once protested. Well, the prices of long distance calls (especially to a mobile number) we are not low. In General, we quickly tired and abandoned calls, deciding to try SMS.

We unloaded database of people to send a message, loaded into and Unisender, in fact, sent. The positive effect was, but the time spend a lot. And I would also like to send one sms, and "accompany" the parcel during delivery to the buyer at the same time mentally prepared to receive the order and we were not disturbed by their letters like, "Where's my order?!"

I wanted to simplify and automate the process. Get a system from which later grew the whole service. The system collected all of our tracks, and each day checked their status on the website of the Russian post (it's a different story). If you receive one of statuses, for example, "made to ship", "sorting" or "arrived at the place of delivery" to the recipient is automatically sent an SMS. Moreover, the text messages do not just copy the post status, in which the person difficult to understand, and was clearly written.

So we released time Manager, who had done such manual operations, reduce the load on the call center (because people were now aware of where their ordering) and reduced the number of returns by about 5%, from 15% to 10%. It is not bad. The system paid for itself.

We decided not to stop and thought that I would have automatically remind customers about yourself, if those long take the parcel. Have done so: if the status of the parcel within five days does not change from the status of "arrived at the place of delivery" to "delivered", then the system automatically sends a reminder via SMS and e-mail in which we write that we need a parcel to go and pick up. And so every 5 days. And it worked, reducing the rate of returns by 3%. Total from 15% to 7%.

This figure, however, seemed still too big and we didn't stop the creative search while on one of the forums came across a very interesting technique to intrigue the customer. We wrote: "Hello, Ivan! Take, please, your parcel, and it will soon expire shelf life, and it will be sent back." Now, the client received a message like this: "Hello John! You still have not taken the order from the post office, but in vain! After all, inside you will find a small surprise we have prepared for you!" (The surprise really was.)

The trick worked very well! We have reduced the number of returns even as much as 5% and reached the once unimaginable for 3% of returns from the post office. Ie has reduced the number of returns to 5 times. From 15% to 3%. It is possible to translate all this into its monetary equivalent. Our store sends Email to an average of 500 orders per month. 12% of 500 is 60 orders. To recruit, process and send Mail one order cost us roughly 650 rubles (product, advertising, shipping, staff, rent, etc.), i.e. we have ceased to lose 39 000 per month and net profit of 150 rubles. with the order began to make "clean" was 9000 RUB. In our case, sounds, maybe, and not very impressive, but it all depends on the average check and number of orders per month :)

Anyway, getting the results and not finding such a service in the Internet, we decided to make our system available to others. Officially joined the server Mail of Russia (it took 3 months), in February made a module for the CMS InSales — we were joined by about 100 shops InSales (the transmission of information via the API). In may I decided to make a version in General is not tied to CMS (the transmission of information via Excel file), we accidentally wrote the magazine Hopes & Fears, and then we got more than 1000 registrations. Recently launched a module for Bitrix. Waiting.

Plans to continue to "sow good", ie. to scale: to make integration with CMS, CRM and ERP systems and develop the service. Want to create a system of forecasting the time of delivery depending on the sorting center, which got the parcel. The forecast will be based on our statistics, the benefit of tracks is handled now by a lot. Interested in us and the Mail. Said that the service is interesting, but the communication has just started and obviously will take long. It is not clear what will cause this dialogue, so expect only on themselves.

For readers of Habra we have a gift code that gives you the opportunity to track up to 5 packages for the next 3 months. For those who buy on the Internet and receives orders by Mail, will come in handy! And if you represent an Internet store, it is safe to register without a code and get a 3 week free trial.

Thank you for your attention!

Code for habroloma: Habra

Website: track a package.Russian
Article based on information from


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