— here you can meet friends, places and discounts

img meet friends, places and discounts" align="left">I Want to introduce you to a new GIS project.
The project is ideological. Before him is the goal — to make a quality service that helps friends to meet more often and receive discounts to your favorite establishments and institutions to increase their attendance. Unfortunately, the database of places is formed only in St. Petersburg and is not available for residents of other cities. For clarity and positioning are used Yandex Maps.
During the launch phase contains some reviews and comments from close friends and colleagues, but we want to get a more objective assessment of a wide audience Habra.

We would like in a single publication to share the all experience, but this is difficult to implement. So next will be a brief overview of problems that tries to solve the project.

we will focus on sales, places, people and their communication.

first things first — our friends

    the Main problem today is that people spend so insanely much time on the Internet. Live meeting with friends become a rarity. The world becomes like letters and avatars. That is why people need meetings and live emotions.

    the Second important problem is inappropriate communication tools with friends. It's about the fact that it is not always possible to call all friends: night time, lack of personal time or a high emotional cost to communicate with each other interfere with the meetings. Also mostly can be said about the instant messengers and SMS messages. Therefore needed a simple tool to quickly alert friends about the desire to rest.

    the Third important problem is a time — consuming process of gathering of friends for a joint holiday. Even if you want to relax, need to pick a company: to persuade someone, for someone to steal, to negotiate and even impose. Be sure to have a great deal of effort. In addition, among the ordinary people meets little organizers. Such people could use "something" that quickly and inexpensively will help arrange a meeting.

Places — bars, pubs, restaurants, cafes, tearooms and other establishments

  1. institutions existed, exists and will exist a problem with attendance. This problem is expressed in a dense stream of visitors at weekends, and weak flow in the remaining days. It forces the institution to introduce forced savings and forced limitations that inevitably result to a decrease in overall economic efficiency. A few examples: early closing on weekdays, weekends, Mondays, unbalanced loads during the day, overload or personnel workload becomes a problem for institutions and their visitors. Institutions must obtain the necessary flow of visitors, and visitors should obtain comfort in the broad sense.
  2. the
  3. it Should be noted that many institutions are poorly computerized and integrated in the social network. Hence the problem with the report information to their own clients — announcement of promotions, special offers. As a rule, all is limited to e-mail and SMS-mailings on their own loyalty programs. Institutions need more and simple mass communication tools and integration to social networks.

Discounts — the main driver of the relations between places and visitors

    Establishments are already using these tools to stimulate and manage the flow of visitors, like discounts, special offers and promotions. The related problem is their current complexity and lack of clarity. A lot of conventions and limitations become a significant obstacle, and thus complicate the relationship between the institution and their visitors. Well — known examples discount only for limited positions, the discount in a given time interval, the discount of the cheque amount or volume of purchase. We want people get a obvious discount conditions, no tricks. Suggests a new format for the coupon deals.


Therefore, an attempt was made to find a mutually beneficial solution for all. It was a hybrid and took shape in online discount system with moving

For a user has become possible:

  • to receive information about current before the end of the day discounts
  • the
  • quickly notify friends about wanting to sleep tonight
  • the
  • choose a place, create an event and invite your friends
  • the
  • to share photos from the past meetings and to vote for any

For institutions, became possible:

  • communication with the target audience
  • the
  • to manage the flow of visitors through the discount
  • the
  • to organize interesting events and share them

Recall that the project is a pilot. Now going reviews, create a database of places — participants of the discount system, connect the first discounts and distributed the first discount card.

We are grateful to all who showed interest. Please if possible leave your vote in the poll and/or comments are important to us.
Article based on information from


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