Startups From scratch 2, my experience finding a HUNDRED co-founder of a startup, from hell to heaven

At the end of April I published the previous article "a Startup from scratch ...". To my great surprise the number of pros outweigh the cons with a gap of 80 points. Unexpected popularity turned out to be very useful. I was approached by many web programmers who want to become co-founders of my startup NextMusic.TV.

My way of finding a partner station is not like a fairy tale. It's more of an adventure action Comedy drama Thriller. Given the relevance of this topic, I hope that my experience will be for someone useful.


Hell started at last article. It was quite a lot in different guises. All this just gave me an invaluable experience. In this article, I'll tell you how I was able to draw on this experience and come eventually to the happy end.

New understanding

Stuffed the abundance of cones, I realized an important point. I saw that there are globally two extremes between which may be.

One extreme is when life on the main priority is stability of the current welfare. This extreme comfortable when there are clear objectives, answers to the question "What to do?" when the liability is minimal. If not, then even better. "Who is to blame?" — "Not me." Unknown, no source of instructions, high level of responsibility cause pain, discomfort, fear, disgust, and someone and rage.

The other extreme is when, on the contrary, fury introduces any statement from above. When enrage any encroachment on the freedom of choice in any sphere of life. Comfortable is full responsibility for everything. "Who is responsible for all failures and successes in my life?" — "Just me." Thoughts dominated by the question: "What do I need to change about themselves, their actions to achieve the goal?". If everything is known in advance, then immediately bored. The unknown, a challenge to the faith and the will for a big goal light eyes and a zest for life.

Each of these extremes is useful for a particular activity.

Entrepreneurship, and especially startpart in its initial stages, as a higher degree of uncertainty brings happiness only to those who is closer to the second extreme. I won't say that I fully second the extremes, but somewhere in the 68-73% I do it, and want more.

I tried to stick people from the first extreme to a startup. Tried to stick to a hired programmer, freelance, professional outsourcing and partner in s/p. the output — it's always been a mockery of all the participants in the process, resulted in finishes varying degrees of trouble.

Realizing this, I decided to change the terms under which I will seek partnerships with the future one HUNDRED.


Most importantly a new condition is no s/n, only a fraction. This item from oteil anyone who is not ready to take full responsibility, to bathe in the unknown, to take risks in full.
The second condition is to do part of the job for a start-up before the partnership. This item immediately extinguished the motivation of those who are in business purely for profit. This item has attracted those who are really in love with the project, who actually inserts the process itself. Who's ready to do it, just because he likes it.

For this reason I for myself remember and feel very deeply a moment. Through a lot of my past projects I saw that in any business there are always times when it's complicated and long, while I believe that everything will be easy and fast. In any case there are periods of time when the project is nothing but hard work brings no profit, hopes and successes. In these times of moral energy runs out very quickly, you can even dry up physically, sick, and hard.

But there is one entity, the exception that energizes any environment — a love for the project itself. For example, when I hard again, I turn on music its a hell of a mood with his own startup and is the source of energy like a nuclear reactor. I have a real love for the project. It solves my same problem finding music to fit your mood. Sometimes you want to hug.
I decided that the same should be the case of STO, that he lived happily ever after, as our cooperation.

a New approach

In addition to the conditions I also changed the approach to finding a partner.

The first thing is voodushevlennyj speeches on the contrary I talked about all the real complexities of the startup scene, from which have to give and for what. How much risk, uncertainty, and like a lot of responsibility. In General told the truth. Enthusiasm rotten the majority, and a second interview was no more, even if they said the opposite.

The second thing I gave the real challenge for the project. You want to do. You don't want to do. It's not necessary. Who would not want ("could not", "was not time" "opportunity" "there were other more important things"), he also walked away.

The one who coped with the tasks most entusiasmo, quick, quickly, confidently, and became a HUNDRED NextMusic.TV namely, Andrew Transki, universal programmer with experience of over 20 years, owner


Now looks like our partnership.

My responsibility is business, perpetual experimentation, research, prototypes, inspections, search of an infinite number of directions unknown another known point for the development, testing hypotheses for the customers, communication with mentors and investors.

Responsibility STO is the epitome of the found vector of the tested hypotheses in the life most important priorities in an optimal way, the organization of work in the development team.

No arguments, everything is smooth, the area of responsibility are clearly defined, everyone works around the clock, not whining, no need to kick kicks, to control, each in awe of the results that produces. Compared with the previous partnerships, like from hell to heaven.

New Foundation.


20 may we together drove in the business incubator HappyFarm, working shoulder to shoulder. July 20, the first acceleration period before traveling to the United States. A lot of interesting, productive and informative, what I write in the next article.

To be continued...

PS Thanks to Andrew, that embodies the ideal business partner of my dreams, and Karpolan for the perfect link with everyone :).
Article based on information from


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