Students Calculator is now open source

imageStudents Calculator — this is my first serious app idea brought to sale. This is what has determined my current profession. Funny to remember I started to write it in Notepad, in functional style, not knowing about the existence of Javadoc and even java.util, using only the sources of other j2me applications. (of Course, in the future, with the growth of my skills program has experienced 2 refactoring)

The program has been quite popular among students. She even had a dedicated column in the same magazine ). But the top was a letter from the Chinese representative office of Motorola with a proposal to enable Students Calculator in standard applications of their mobile phones (Which, unfortunately, did not come true)

why this post: I already for a long time abandoned the work on the program. For me it achieved the goal and it's hard to motivate yourself to continue to fulfill the wishes of the users. I also thought that with the advent of touch-phones will come and wave good touch calculators. However, I still receive letters with questions and proposals, please provide the source code... (forgive me the authors I say them rarely). So today I decided to overcome laziness, to find in the depths of bacapon sources and put them in universal access. Now everyone will be able to extend the life of the project.

Offsite: (here the latest version 1.5.0 PR from 26.03.2006)
Real latest version:1.9.2 alpha from 2.4.2008
Sourceforge: source here

The latest version 1.9.2 bugs, especially not sin. The main wishes of the users — support for touch screens, and localization.
Wonders fast and accurate floating-point calculations the program owes a great class implementation Real from Roar Lauritzsen (GPL)
Also, the program uses the BigInteger class is already slightly modified by me. Don't know who the author is. Maybe out of earlier versions of J2SE

Wishing to continue work on the program, I will give the developer access to SVN. Write to the PM. Maybe you will be a lot, so much wishing — really loud write )

Very useful: the branch in the forum — where all have gone. History of development, communicate with the users. Many ideas and wishes you can collect from it.

UPD: Thank you all for appreciating. PTS. nice.
Article based on information from


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