Technology VS Bureaucracy

Social services offered by the user to mark on the map a certain problem (a hole in the road, a broken light, not taken out the garbage, etc.) today there is already a lot, including here in Ukraine. However, most of these sites offer only semi-automatic generation of requests to authorities, as we all know, how our officials can and like to scribble unsubscribe, send business "under cloth" or just promise to investigate and nothing really to do.

Therefore, developing the concept of social project we are primarily concerned with finding opportunities to improve the efficiency of such a resource. We enlisted the support of several professionals and public figures who provide the required legal support to resolve urban problems. Because of this, our service allows you not just to draw the authorities ' attention on a particular urban problem, but also to shift the bureaucratic component of its solutions to experienced professionals.

After you have added problems to the site, our moderators decide who gets information about her: one of the supported project, public figures, or local businessmen, or lawyers directly responsible for the decision authority. Any action for solving the problem are displayed on the website, where we post scans of requests and inquiries, as well as photos actually carried out on the results of those appeals.

A little more detail on how it works.
For example, you added to the map problem "the Lack of platforms for walking of dogs in the neighborhood", it found some support among other users who voted for it and shared a link to the problem. Working with us lawyers to competently draw up and send a request to the relevant authorities, monitor the reaction of the authorities and seek resolution of the issue. At the same time, the active users of the resource can help authorities with a solution to this problem, for example, agreeing through the website about the organization of the subbotnik in the territory, where the construction site. Thus, we help to unite the many factors that affect a prompt and successful solution to urban problems. Percentage actually solved problems increases significantly, what distinguishes our site from other similar projects.

During the first week of the pilot project in one district of Kiev users were added about fifty different tasks and problems. Given the ongoing election campaign, most likely to decide issues of territorial planning, patches holes on the roads and installation of children's playgrounds in the yards. At the moment, already more than a dozen problems of the area were successfully resolved thanks to our site.

On the technical implementation of the project we'll discuss in my next article; for now, look forward to your suggestions and ideas to improve our site.
Article based on information from


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