Test sites MODX Revolution

Present to your attention my service for a close acquaintance with MODx Revolution. No registrations, text messages, and other exercises.

Absolutely free on the day you get viewstony website on the cloud Selectel with the admin rights.
It's like a demo site, only for one person and opportunity to work. Access you will get for 10 — 15 minutes after a while, because — Gebrettert.

in 24 hours this website will be deleted automatically.

The main goal is to give peace to find the perfect system and also though a little to dispel the myths about the "ping" and "complexity".

Tellingly, the inside of the management of these services are also made component for MODx Revo.

At the moment the service has the following features:

  • Select the necessary packages during installation.
  • the
  • the Ability to download a dump site within a day after removal.
  • the
  • Select the template. While did only one shop for miniShop.

Limitations are, but insignificant

  • 24 hour limit the life of the site
  • the
  • Sending mail from the server is disabled (but you can use third-party SMTP)
  • the
  • 100Mb of disk space for each site
  • the
  • Only 50 sites a day for all
  • the
  • PHP memory_limit = 32M
  • the
  • PHP max_execution_time = 10
  • the
  • PHP open_basedir
  • the
  • PHP disable_functions

In General, such that I can't fly on a pay hosting and not be banned all sites on the Internet.

to See the modx-test.com Link it's not relevant, the project turned into a modhost.pro.

I beg kolhatkar not to test service for durability. Use of this nobody will.
However, if anyone will notice the blatant stupidity of the author of the service (i.e. me), please write on the doorposts in PM.

Who needs more packages to install — just write what to add.

Increased the daily limit to 100 sites. The installer runs every 10 minutes and puts 10 sites at a time, so we'll have to wait a little longer than 10-15 minutes.

Gebrettert, what can you do? Who do not mind — can give the login / password received from the website in the comments, so everyone can see.

UPD 2.
Ended inodes on the file system — some websites created with errors. Have cleaned them.

Reduced the number of created sites and reduced life time up to 4 hours to accommodate most comers.
After reducing the influx of return the limit back to 24 hours.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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