uLogin a year later. Facts about social login

At the end of October last year we released our project uLogin on the Internet, and for the next 12 months, he was able to win the trust of thousands of webmasters. ULogin is now used by more than 10,000 websites. In the last few months we have analyzed and gathered interesting facts about social login.
Trends in social login
Take a look at the following chart showing the percentage of authorizations for different providers

Leading VK (of 46.39%), followed by Mail.ru (17,32%), Classmates (14,75%), Facebook (a 9.05% — is a good result considering the difference in MAU with our family networks), Google (5,20%), Map (3,87%), and closes the seven leaders Twitter (1,69% of the total number of authorizations). The rest of the network a total gain of 0.86% (in descending order of popularity is the Live ID, Youtube, Steam, Live journal, Open ID, Last.FM, LinkedIn, Vimeo, Webmoney, Soundcloud, Flickr).
Current numbers are good but what about the dynamics? Here's how:

VK steadily and surely gaining momentum, Mail.ru Classmates and balance the total traffic here and there (if you put them graphics, be smooth video), authorization via Google grew over the period by 40%, and Twitter by 30%. It seems that the users or all the more trust in our services regarding aversely or foreign services do not grow, despite all the assurances of their marketers.
Sidem and this is easier to log in via social network
Statistics collected on socio-demographic data made it clear that there is a strong variation in the relative ages of the tendency for social login, and that men are authenticated are much more willing to women. Again look at the facts:

Statistics socio-demographic characteristics lyre against our statistics in slices of ages and gender. Revealing the differences, but what it can be connected? Or socdem lyre "somewhat inaccurate", or we have very different factors going through uLogin on different slices. The first hypothesis was not confirmed, so we will conduct the analysis in the thesis of the correctness of the socio-demographic characteristics lyre.
The original sex distribution (at the stage of viewing the widget, social login):
Men – 41,37%, women 58,63%.
After authorization through a social network:
Men 49,30%, women 50,70%.
It is easy to see that men are logging in much more often than women (ratio of conversions of men to women conversion will be (49.3/41.37)/(50.7/58.63)=1.378). So, if the conversion of the women to take over 100% conversion of men will be almost 138%. A solid difference of 38%. Apparently, the male population is more advanced in terms of technology and mechanism of social authorization is being perceived more naturally. I wonder, is there something similar in normal registration (not difficult if the women is it held? if anyone had similar data?).
The ratio for a specific cut (particularly in men it will 49.30/41.37=1.19) we call the tendency towards the social entrance, and see how it works in the context of the ages:

See the figure for men of 1.19 is not particularly outstanding. Users in the 18-24 age group have this level of 1.57. And people over 35 unusual to log in via social networks, their age and the penetration rate of social networks is not so great.
We came to the portrait of social autorizados user: this is male 18-24 years,
results for the year the work
Now we have already crossed the mark of 18 000 000 widget views every day, having 3 500 000 unique visitors.
The chart shows growth from the start of the service (launched in late October 2011).

We have 27 plugins to CMS and we support 18 providers authorization:
Important innovations: https easyxdm, the ability to insert their buttons, acceleration of the service. Soon there will be new buns.
the battle of the social login and registration
One of our partners has provided us with interesting statistics:

the chart shows the percentage of conversion of visitors into registered users by means of usual check-in and our widget, time
The graph clearly shows that uLogin is not only quantitatively surpassed the usual registration on the portal, but also helped to increase the conversion rate of visitors to users 2 times. Victory over the check won.
But in General, the average of the site with our widget in the last six months the conversion rate of visitors to users (registrations through social networking to views widget) increased by 30%.
Users definitely love the social authorization.
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