Vertical search engine job

How often have you wanted to append the query parameters to Google smarter: "... with a view of the sea," or "... with a capacity of more than 500 l/c", or "... the price is not more than 100 rubles"?

So I too, never wanted to, but it would be cool if the search engine could understand the query and filter the result.
The fundamental problem here is that traditional search engines are not limited on the subject of the search, and to be able to process such requests and about skates, and about the jig, you need a system that knows everything about everything.

Such queries may answer “vertical” search engines. The trick is that they work in a clearly defined subject area. For example, only searching for Fox Terrier or just galoshes. But about those same galoshes that they know everything and allow you to specify all sorts of specific parameters.

We started the development for this kind of thing — the search engine for jobs. Yes, not simple text search and filter search is not worse than specialized career sites.

Today we launched the alpha version of the is a search engine for jobs that collects jobs for all Russian-speaking (for now) websites, including websites of employers, and message boards.

The difference from the most popular means of job search — message boards — is that we are not confined to their base. We index job Postings similar to classical search engines, using spiders. But we class found jobs for a variety of features, allowing them subtly to filter. Now search the text of the vacancy is not at all!

To search for jobs can be, when typing a query in plain Russian, for example “accountant with knowledge of 1C in St. Petersburg from 40,000 rubles” or broken “pragramist java maskva”.

Now we understand that though the work has no end, it's time to show the first results people, get feedback.

Write, scold, praise, use.

We continue to work!

We invite you to try:
Article based on information from


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