Visibility reviews

was the idea about the lackluster comments, was the idea about the refusal of the rating reviews... a Lot of everything.
But about an AutoFilter, by analogy with sahasranama/odobrenie topics I have not seen.

Essence: in account settings habrachelovek optionally specifies the range of the review. For Example, [0..N]. So you can see all comments are from 0 and above. Others are not even loaded. The default setting is [-4..N].

What about threads? And just as well. One comment can be -5, and the answer to it +10. If you want to see what the answer was +10, change the filter and see. Therefore, a good option to make for each topic "quick filter" (show all/only positive/[-5..N]/minus). This filter should not reset the basic settings and applied temporarily to the current topic.

1. When time is short, I want to see only the best comments. And you have much to scroll.
2. I have (and as the poll showed, not only me), when a slow connection to the Internet, and reviews of the topography a lot, they don't even load till the end. By the way, because this is still unavailable and the button "Leave a comment". We have to turn off the picture and press "Update".
3. It is known that many reveal hidden zaminusovali comments. These people now do not have to make unnecessary movements.

total: to all sides of the winnings in time. Offense will be only those whose comments cons =).

Watch more: it would be nice to be able to hepatopetal to specify the visibility range. For example, I would be looking at the ribbon, all abramovici with a rating above -3. Now, when I have time in Habra, look at all the new, where it occurs, and spam/blatant stupidity with a rating of below -10.
Article based on information from


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