Welcome to MOSDROID May Meetup may 20

Long enough had the idea to create an independent community of Android developers in Moscow, we plan to hold events at the sites of various companies and to create a community of developers and for developers. Most importantly, we plan to hold similar events regularly. So we made MOSDROID and in a hurry to invite you to join the first Mitau, which will be held in the Moscow office of Kaspersky Lab, 20 may at 17:45.

The program of the meeting three reports, read under the cut


17:30 — 18:00 Registration
18:00 – Opening remarks
18:15 – "Application of Groovy to Android-development" Sergey Bostan, Tinkoff
19:10 – "Performance Kotlin on Android: Part 2" Alexander Smirnov, Splyt
20:05: "Make Lint Great Again" Gregory Janelidze, Classmates
21:00 – Social: communicate in the community/go to the pub


"the Use of Groovy to Android development" willykolepniy Tinkoff
Tools in application development are important, they affect the generation rate and the quality of the products. In my report I will tell you about this tool, how Groovy and its effective use in the Android world. My story is based on a previous report about an alternative way to develop applications with Groovy.

"Performance Kotlin on Android: Part 2" scottKey Splyt
Now difficult to surprise the phrase "we are not afraid to pull in new-fangled production Kotlin" and it's great because the number of applications using Kotlin as the core of YAP is only growing. Always useful to know about the price of the use of abstraction in Kotlin Runtime, and discuss how to improve the picture of the world. Will watch from the performance point of view, simultaneously delving into the features of Android, and think about how you can use the resulting bytecode.

In the report expect the failure of the under the hood optimizations, bytecode and benchmarks that will show how much of a given optimization can speed up your code.

"Make Lint Great Again" StrLght Classmates
Will comreview – like many in this word! Agree, it would be great if will kadriu was focused purely on the architectural issues and potential bugs in the logic, forgetting about all the small nuances in the spirit of certain classes of contracts. And it would be great if these details could hint to the developer in the development process, while not standing by his shoulder and looking at his monitor.

And that's where Lint comes with a huge number of checks out of the box. But that Lint is not the end – it can be supplemented with checks, with one caveat – first you need to understand what to do, because the documentation is not very happy.

Mostly about extensibility Lint'and we'll talk – why do you need it as it was before, as it is now, as the whole thing to test and debajit.

To participate, please register.
Will also be available videotrace link that will appear in the telegrams channel video blog "Android"


Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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