A wearable computer AR-Go — the top ten finalists Lenovo

System that I'm working more than one year, and about the history which I recently told habré, reached the final of the competition Lenovo. Competition with Lenovo (and at the same time Google announced its Google Goggles, very similar to AR-Go — up to form factor points) gave us a good momentum, forcing him to sharply intensify the work on the project. The development team has increased from two to six people (not counting dozens of people, ready for them to participate in the project — but still does not show activity). Is written a new version of the kernel. Went to work on the applications with augmented reality. But yesterday... well, the feeling is, what happens when full-run crash into a brick wall.

A couple of weeks ago the representatives of Lenovo in the correspondence said that in the second round the winner will be determined not by votes, but by set of parameters, one of which is to promote the work on the project. Inspired, we started work on the killer-app om — game with elements of augmented reality. Game application, among other things, a great way to practice the elements of user interaction with the wearable computer, and to work on such a device one of the main tasks — the invention of the interface.

And yesterday the finalists meeting in the office of Lenovo, it was announced that the winner will be determined solely by the vote. The opinion of the mentor or work on a project no longer considered the only voice. In General, at a time when others were engaged in a set of votes (and some, as I said yesterday lenovos and cheat), we, "scoring" the vote, worked on the project.

Among join our team there are a few people willing to switch to work on AR-Go in full-time (personally, I quit in the fall work in order to completely switch to the development of AR-Go). If we win the contest, it will be possible to bring before the release of soup — our version of the "chord keyboard" (in quotes — because it is not an accord, but better!), to make a prototype nagolovnym system with an integrated camera, inertial unit and other necessary electronics. So, if you are interested in my project please vote for it (you can vote here: donetwork.lenovo.com/ru/projects/view/id/2503). And the best not just once but every day until the 22nd of February — for some unknown reason, Lenovo gave a strange system where you can vote more than once, and every day.

Understand that all this sounds like "sorry, we appeal to you", but for me this project is five years of my life. And I don't know if I'll be back in a lifetime opportunity to do something worthwhile.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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