A word about Donahy

Trifles like many great honor on all cases of life. But sure, cases come in all sorts.
Offer the program, salt way there is sodobnost to fix the problem on exceedingly all subjects for the MiGs matter. The effort made her to do so easy as much as possible, therefore create in her a small project rather than a loudmouth.
Docks have a constructor of the data structure, if only to fix the objects (tables) from 5 field types: string, figures, date and switch and the object reference is different. Each field has a set of tiny properties, and the objects themselves that at least.

Objects are visible forms of a single face of custom: the list of Metin bespoke, sieve theirs and the interpretation thereof in detail. The dominion of the Metin modestly: generation, transformation, death, tacos W export Yes import (koi, as usual, hidden away from sin).

Every object otvorotka samples of letters MS Word/Excel and html, which are placed in the namesake boxes system file. Diploma strochitsa by law siscanu and substitution fields in the sample labeled with square faces.

When depiction letters, for features great, are good negligible:
- long painted the date and the separation of day/moon/summer;
- Lubkov png additive Yes slices txt; the
- mark risk mark overseas.
the phenomenon of figures in words (tacos W with money and kopiami); the
the phenomenon of rows by letter; the
Samples of letters, koi Docks can be repaired (orders, judgments, petitions, reports, innocent, bills of sale, etc.), you can see here: http://doki.at.ua/, ilk version have to Windows, Mac OS, Linux and read the instruction complete.
Do not claim the glory of the world, but tea that the exceedingly simple solution to ease the burden of routine. Write us feedback good, therefore, and hope's warm that there are people old and young, to whom these things were honored.
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