Nigma index new

Nigma again, lit — has launched a new algorithm for indexing websites. It is similar to the fact that Nigma was launched last week, but now the information is extracted from a larger number of sites and mixed directly in the results.

/ > The result Nigma has increased the number of questions she answers and the snippets are more informative — say, about Anna Semenovich Nigma now known not only bust:
Anna Semenovich marital status

In Nigma argue that using such technology results is more relevant, because clicks on these snippets – twice. Well, really, how can you not click?
I've spoken about this with Nigma — I was told that the CTR of the second links is obtained is the same as the first, and CTR-thirds of the references do almost three times higher than normal. I.e. once the user actively click on such snippets, and do not think it is, then this feature is really useful.

The engine is launched with a small pilot index, so such snippets are displayed only 1% of user queries. But Nigma is going to the end of the summer to expand the index — that's where the struggle between the optimizers will unfold!

Here are examples of the new algorithm:Link to the news blog Nigma
Article based on information from


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