Remart: how I built my business
Part II: Important decision
Remember I told you about starting your own business Remart? Here the first part of my story.
Continuing the theme of investors: so, I took the money from the investor because he got another offer I could not refuse. You can just take the money, however, it is important to understand from whom you take the money. I have had a few offers for different amounts, but all that money was worth in different ways. The first and most obvious fact that each of the potential investors asked different share. But do not forget that in addition to the amount and proportion, also can not be discounted that who is giving the money. I was attracted by one sentence more than others, because I knew the potential investor. I knew that I could count on him, and that together with his money — I get a lot more. I get passionate about a strong team member that will become one of the Leaders of the project. For me at that time it was decisive, because idea without implementation is just a fantasy. A strong team is much more valuable than ideas. A strong team is able to implement, if not this idea, then any other, which is very much around. In the startup world, the phrase revolves about the concept of "FFF" (Friends, Family, FanatiŃs). I have worked on friends.

However, this was only the beginning, all major work was ahead. We started to work, gradually to carry out the market monitoring and various tests to understand the vitality of our ideas. Further, it was necessary to complete the command. the Team is of greater value than the pure idea, I am convinced of it. We were lucky to have met great people, inspired, talented, all willing to work and move mountains, so I thought. The reality has been different. Our main mistake — it is impossible to combine the project with some other work. It would seem that not one book written about it, but understand it clearly when he falls into this trap. We this error was expensive. We would much sooner open project, if initially recruited people for a full working day. Calculating the main obstacle, we adjusted their tactics for the management of human capital. Yes, it took some doing, but we were able to resolve this issue.
Planning. the Question is: you have to implement it or not? We lost all the plans and deadlines. I couldn't understand why. Are we so incorrectly compiled or not working? We have a team of experienced managers, who have repeatedly made plans that in other places were performed, it is unlikely we have lost competence in such a short time. I couldn't answer these questions, or rather I noted that due to the extremely high level of motivation and a lack of focus on one project. We just really wanted this to work much faster. In General at once. We were able to overcome and it's a trap, then most people team focused on one of our project. We managed to pull myself together and soberly assess the situation, then our plan started to come closer to reality.
This step is very important. I would recommend everyone in the shortest period of time find the opportunity to quit my job and start working on a new idea. Sometimes it's scary, sometimes just. Sometimes the family and immediate environment are holding you back: they don't want, they resist and do not understand why you need it. I want you to definitely declare that only You need it. Your surroundings are used to seeing you as you are and really few of them are aware that the only reason why they discourage you — it is their fear and rejection of change. Changes that will affect you, and through you to them. And I envy you, that really there to hide.
Now we had to do the most important thing at this stage of the business start — generate, of all people, one team, one unit. In the next article I will tell you how we did it.
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