The first CloudCamp in Belarus (scientific program of the event)


April 7 will be held in Minsk Belarus ' first CloudCamp. The host of the event – Dave Nielsen (USA), founder of the Silicon Valley CloudCenter and organizer of CloudCamps around the world.

the purpose of the event

The popularization of Cloud Computing in Belarus.

Who will be interested

At CloudCamp traditionally gather developers, system engineers, managers, R&D specialists, technical experts and all those interested in the subject of cloud computing.

when and Where

7 APR 2012 in the Club "Center", Minsk, October square, 1 (the Republic Palace).

the Program

12:00 — Welcome & Introductions (welcome and introduction)
12:20 — Lightning Talks (mini presentations to 10 minutes)

Section 1

  1. Dave Nielsen, Cloud Computing Evangelist, Founder CloudCamp – The economically unstoppable cloud.
  2. the
  3. Alena Matokhina, Cloud Computing Solution Architect EPAM Systems – Main issues during migration to cloud and process unification.
  4. the
  5. Alexey Bokov, Azure, Developer Evangelist, Microsoft Russia – Windows Azure – platform for cloud services.
  6. the
  7. Sergiy Dudkovskyy, Product manager, Fujitsu Technology Solutions (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) – Building up cloud infrastructure? It is easy!
  8. the
  9. Andrey Bosak, VRP Cloud Services Delivery Director – no software, no headache.

13:20-13:40 — Coffee break

Section 2

  1. Alexandr Kruk, Senior Software Engineer, Ciklum – Heroku. How to focus on development, but not delivering on.
  2. the
  3. Sergei Sudlenkov, HP Storage Division Sales Representative, HP Enterprise Business – HP Cloud Services Portfolio and HP Cloud Strategic Approach
  4. the
  5. Ruslan Raikevich, CIO ActiveCloud – 10 minutes – is it enough?
  6. the
  7. Sergey Sergyenko, a chief of the RightScale development team at Altoros, Evangelist Ruby – Multi-Cloud management for High Availablity.

14:20-14:40 Coffee break
14:40 – Unpanel (informal discussion with experts)
15:10 — Begin Unconference (selection of topics for further discussion in groups)
15:30 — Breakout Sessions Round 1 (group discussions – round 1)
16:15 — Breakout Sessions Round 2 (group discussion – round 2)
17.00 — Wrap-up (summing up)
17:15 — 20:00 Afterparty/beers (of course :))


Participation in the event is free. Check the website required.

warning: the program is still being formed. If You want to speak at CloudCamp with a mini-report or as an expert and become a partner of the event, contact the organizers at email.





What is CloudCamp?

CloudCamp is an informal event devoted exclusively to Cloud Computing. The structure of the event based on mini-presentations, discussions and round tables, enables to productively discuss the most relevant for the "cloud" topic, communicate with experts, raising the level of their competence and, most importantly, to share experiences and ideas. The advantage CloudCamp is that the participants themselves build the program of the meeting, choosing the most interesting topics for discussion. All this creates the unique atmosphere of CloudCamp, to ensure the popularity of the event around the world.
Article based on information from


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