Why Google uses the domain Duck.com?

Hacker News turned interesting debate learn for what purpose Google put a redirect on Duck.com. Detractors suggest that this is a variant of typosquatting against "competitor" DuckDuckGo.com.

DuckDuckGo.com hybrid search engine that works with 2008, without search spam, almost no ads, no spy on users (completely anonymous), supports hot keys and other cool stuff. In General, a kind Gukovskaya "opposition" to Google, created for a tiny group of the protest electorate. Audience of the site last year was about 200 thousand a day, generally speaking, about him almost no one knows.

To believe that Google uses Duck.com for typosquatting, maybe one who sees in Google the "new Microsoft" (now fashionable point of view) and admits that "the Corporation Good" is able to use its monopoly position in the market and financial resources to unfair competition. Believe it or not — a private matter.

But in defense of Google I must say the following. First, domain Duck.com existed long before gykovskogo search engine DuckDuckGo. Second, Google got domain in 2010 quite by accident, as part of the deal to buy On2 Technologies, a developer of video codecs TrueMotion. former site On2 is an information stub explaining the situation. Duck is just the former name of the company On2 Technologies.

Unanswered only one question remains: why did Google decided to put your search "duck.com" and not to sell this domain, disney or at worst, put a redirect to the Wikipedia article about ducks. Have they forgotten about their code of ethics and the slogan "don't be evil"? Or do they seriously believe that visitors duck.com really want to get on google.com?
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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